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"To battle, Jeff," he replied, with one of those proud glances of the eyes which must be somewhat akin to the expanded nostrils of the warhorse when he scents the battle from afar. "At least," he added, "to convey orders which will have some bearing on what is about to follow. The Turk is brave. We find that he fights well."

This was a tie, since neither had scored, and Minkie and her rival were allowed to run again; but that half-mile had been too hot, and they had no show for the cup. Mickey met "Diamonds" next day, by chance. "Have a cigar, Mickey." "Oi will thot, sor. Faix, thim's so foine; I'd loike two thank ye, sor." From that time the Little Warhorse became the pride of the Irish boy.

But now the plan did not work at all, for the little Dog managed to keep after him through one fence after another, and Jack Warhorse, not yet full-grown, much less seasoned, was beginning to feel the strain.

Hardy's face cleared. This was not the first waverer Jeff had brought back into line, not the first by several. There was something compelling in his friendly smile and affectionate manner. "I'm sure Mr. Killen intends only what is right. I'm content to leave the matter entirely with you and him," Hardy said. Jeff turned to Rawson. "And you, old warhorse?"

Brave Tommy, whose rough and unkempt exterior covered a heart that any warhorse might have envied, had covered 135 miles, without feed worth mentioning, and with only eleven gallons of water during that distance, a stage of nearly seven days' duration of very hard travelling indeed, with the weather pretty sultry, though the nights were cool.

"How?" said the patriarch; "are you followed?" I told him I was; told him of my Lord's plot within a plot that three light-horse riders, one of them a lieutenant bearing duplicate despatches, had been hard upon my heels all the way from Charlotte. At this the old warhorse I learned afterward that he had fought through the French and Indian war wagged his beard and his eye flashed.

Madam Weatherstone raised her head like a warhorse. "What's this! What's this!" she said in a fierce whisper. Viva laid a hand on her arm. "Sh!" said she. "Let us make sure!" and she softly unlatched the door. A brilliant moon flooded the small chamber. They could see little Ilda, huddled in the bedclothes, staring at her door from which the key had fallen.

Thirdly, when the knights present had accomplished their vow, by each of them breaking five lances, the Prince was to declare the victor in the first day's tourney, who should receive as prize a warhorse of exquisite beauty and matchless strength; and in addition to this reward of valour, it was now declared, he should have the peculiar honour of naming the Queen of Love and Beauty, by whom the prize should be given on the ensuing day.

In twenty minutes his great megaphone ears, so close to the ground, caught a regular sound crunch, crunch, crunch the tramp of a human foot, and he started up to see the man with the shining stick in his hand, now drawing near. Warhorse bounded out and away for the fence.

When Ben-hadad exacted all he possessed his wealth, his wives, his children he acceded to his demands regarding everything except the Torah; that he refused peremptorily to surrender. In the war that followed between himself and the Syrians, he was so indignant at the presumptuousness of the Aramean upstart that he himself saddled his warhorse for the battle.