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A moment later a warder entered with some bread and coffee. The man silently advanced. Helmar's eyes watched his movements closely; he set the tin of coffee on the floor and the bread beside it, and thus, without a word, turned to depart. "I say," cried George, as the man neared the door, "is this all a hungry man is to have? Why, hang it all, I was treated better by Arden!"

There were three or four waggons behind the engine, and in the last, lo and behold, sat his Grace, grim, silent and self-satisfied that the elements had no terrors for him. What a life his was to lead; he was a veritable prisoner, having himself for a warder.

Knowing well what the man meant, we bestowed on him a gold piece, having given a smaller one to the soldier, who immediately took his departure. We described to the warder the prisoners we desired to see. "I will speak first to the governor of the jail," answered the man; "for myself, you will understand I can do nothing."

Often the warder would announce the senator and his wife, and their vigorous and healthy minds always hit on the very thing she needed.

He is in a desperate hurry, and as sure as the world, somebody is a dying, and has sent for him to make his will. The Irish priest walks like a warder who has the keys. There is an air of authority about him. He puts his cane down on the pavement hard, as much as to say, Do you hear that, you spalpeen?

"He, too, is probably asleep," she thought, remembering some information which a kindly warder had given her in a few jerky, well-meant sentences, while she was waiting downstairs in the gaol for Minta Hurd.

"Who comes here?" called the fairy warder of the dell. "Pease-Blossom and the nightingale," answered the fay; and great was the joy in fairyland at their return. "How long you have been!" said Quick-As-Lightning. "How fast you have come!" said little Twinkle-Toes. But as for Spice-of-Life he could not speak at all for laughing at sooty Pease-Blossom.

And it is any brave man's luxury either to help or watch a lusty fight. But this baiting in the circus between the gates was no fair battle like that. To begin with, the beasts were no fair antagonists for single men. In fact, twenty men armed might well have fled from them. When the warder said tigers, I supposed he meant the great cats of the woods.

He was fully determined only to part with it with life itself. He feared the warder should read that forbidden word "Escape" in his eager eyes, or on his restless lips. A change of cell or a sudden examination of his bed-furniture no uncommon occurrence would prove his ruin. He took the file out of his mattress, and placed it in his breast: let that man beware who found it there!

Ten days after they arrived at Bayonne, the warder, who had, since he first spoke to them, said nothing beyond the usual salutations, remarked carelessly: "The soldiers who came down with you took up the prison duties last night.