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In the Manor itself Warde's influence was hardly yet perceptible: only a very few knew that it was diffusing itself, percolating into nooks and crevices, undreamed of: the hearts of the Fourth Form, for instance. In Dirty Dick's time there had been almost universal slackness. In pupil-room, Rutford read a book; boys could work or not as they pleased, provided their tutor was not disturbed.

He prayed that you might labour in a field larger than one parish. And I promised him that I would do what I could when the time came. It has come to-night. In my opinion, in Warde's opinion, in your dear mother's opinion, Parliament is the place for you. You will be sufficiently well off. Take all Oxford can give you, and then try for the House of Commons.

This was all very well, and his willing sacrifice of the coveted badge in the interest of friendship and loyalty showed Warde's character. But he and his two companions found small comfort in an excuse for delay. This was a serious business, a business for man's handling, and in their hearts they knew it.

His small, well-shaped, olive-tinted hand could drive a sword with a quicker thrust than Raymond Warde's, and with as sure an aim, though there might not be the same massive strength behind it.

Warde Hollister said, rather heedless of the possible effect of his remark. "I didn't come in the tent, did I?" Pee-wee retorted wistfully. "Come ahead in, Kid," said Roy. "Are you hungry? Here's some fish-hooks." "No, I'm not hungry," Pee-wee said. He had been so touched by Warde's thoughtless remark that he held himself aloof from Roy's hospitality.

To John, at any rate, the difference between the two paths out of a tangled wood was greater than it might appear to some of us. Warde had trusted him implicitly: could he bring himself to violate Warde's confidence without giving the man notice? However, what he might have done under pressure must remain a matter of surmise. At this moment a third path became visible.

At first Curboil had constantly professed admiration for Warde's mental and physical gifts; but little by little, tactfully feeling his distance, he had made the lady meet his real intention half way by confiding to him all that she suffered, or fancied that she suffered which with some women is the same thing in being bound for life to a man who had failed to give her what her ambition craved.

Did you go, after all?" he asked Caesar. They had not met since Warde's visit of the night before. "I didn't go," said Caesar. "Dumber gave it to me, with Verney's compliments." "You've lost your bet," said John. "But how?" "Jonathan went to town instead of me," said Desmond. "We thought he was with Warde he wasn't. This morning, early, I found out that he hadn't slept in his bed.