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After the first relief, the relaxation of his brother's sentence had by no means mitigated Henry Ward's sense of disgrace, but had rather deepened it by keeping poor Leonard a living, not a dead, sorrow.

The hopeful son replied that he was not good enough for divinity, bad enough for law, or wise enough for medicine; that, therefore, he was unsuited to honor either of the learned professions; and begged his guardian to disturb himself no longer on the subject of his ward's future.

He will thank you to-morrow that you disobeyed." "I shall not disobey." Little Miss Quiney, looking up into her ward's eyes, argued this point no further. "Very well," said she. "Then I go too." She closed her mouth firmly, squaring her jaw. "But in the sedan there is room for one only." "Then I go first," said Miss Quiney, "and the chair shall return for you.

Lambert said that Dennison had asked him to propose Ward's health, and that he hoped his speech though quite unprepared would not be unworthy of the evening. "The dinner itself will be nothing, just like any other kind of dinner, but don't you miss it," he concluded, and I felt sure that he had already got his speech in his pocket. Learoyd begged me not to stay away from a jolly good rag.

Humphry Ward's Robert Elsmere was the making of an epoch, and when so shrewd an observer of the times, so enthusiastic an admirer of "the old ways" as Mr. Gladstone, thought the book worth criticising and censuring, he bore eloquent testimony to the effect it was evidently destined to produce. Its influence has unquestionably been great.

"My noble auditors," said Sir Philip, "I shall appeal to your judgment, in regard to the proofs of my ward's birth and family; every circumstance shall be laid before you, and you shall decide upon them.

Besides, a new theory had suggested itself. The wild man was evidently Mr. Ward's brother, a lunatic privately confined. Dave had heard of such things. Perhaps Mr. Ward wanted it kept quiet. That was why he had given him the twenty dollars. "Say," Dave began, "now I come to think of it that wild man looked a lot like you "

"I beg leave to observe to the company, who are going to dispose so generously of another man's property, that my father purchased the castle and estate of the house of Lovel; who is to repay him the money for it?" Sir Philip then said, "I have also a question to ask. Who is to pay the arrears of my ward's estate, which he has unjustly been kept out of these one-and-twenty years?

Tristram at the moment, "that your cousin, Aneta Lysle, is coming to stay with you?" "Oh yes; but I had half-forgotten it in all this excitement," said Cicely. "She will arrive to-morrow. Maggie, you'll be glad, won't you?" "More than delighted," said Maggie. "It is too wonderful," said Cicely. "Why, it will soon come to pass that half Mrs. Ward's school will be all together during the holidays.

As he opened the door and beckoned her forward, he took her umbrella, handed her in, and with one keen cold look into her face, said: "I trust my ward's dinner toilette will be an improvement upon her present appearance, as several guests have been invited. The Cantata must have bored you immensely."