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"The King wants it cut down," said Jack. "Well, then, why don't his men cut it down?" asked Paul. "They can't," said Jack. "The tree is so hard that it blunts the edge of every axe; and whenever one of its branches is cut off, two bigger ones spring out in place of it. The King has offered three bags of gold to anyone who will cut the tree down." "How did you learn all this?" asked Peter.

This also I resolved to study with all the attention I could give it, so that I might avoid the necessity of constantly asking questions of the seamen, at the same time, I must say that it is very much wiser to ask questions about things than to remain ignorant of what one wants to know.

Every human being wants to be known and to know as a person, and in ways that are both conscious and unconscious. We seek others that we may be known and may know. Attentiveness is really alertness to the lonely cry of man, and respects rather than violates the individual's separateness and sanctity. Mutual Respect Mutual respect is also a necessary quality in human relations.

Murphy's wants, his thin cheeks glowing and his eyes wandering about the room. He was apparently reacting the scene of the fight, and presently he made a step or two backward, so that he stood near the middle of the chamber. Here he took his stand, and seemed to become lost in reverie. "Might as well set," remarked the girl, looking toward the unoccupied chair.

Fogarty, your school-misthress, to your fadher statin' that she wants you to finish your Jiggraphy at the dancin', wid a new dancin' teacher from Dubling. Why Eah! what ails you, Miss, Ma Colleen? What the dickens wor you cryin' for?" "These nasty bees that stung me," returned the girl. "Oh, for goodness sake, mother dear, don't come any farther, except you wish to have a whole hive upon you!"

Indeed, he is much more concerned to meet the pressing needs of life than he is to co-ordinate them or understand to what they lead. He can not even be said to be actuated by the principle of rational self-interest. Like the brute, whose lot is similar to his own, he feels his wants severally, and is forced to meet them as they arise or be trampled under foot in the struggle for existence.

"Now," said Dorothy, as they stood on the mountain path, having left behind them the cave in which dwelt the Hoppers and the Horners, "I think we must find a road into the Country of the Winkies, for there is where Ojo wants to go next." "Is there such a road?" asked the Scarecrow. "I don't know," she replied.

"Wants to cut people off their drink. Look here. I want grilled bone. What's the French for grilled bone? Grilled bone, Adolphe. Now you juggins, don't you understand?" "And I'll tell you, Flanders, the second most beautiful thing in the whole of literature," said Cruttendon, bringing his feet down on to the floor, and leaning right across the table, so that his face almost touched Jacob's face.

There is no luxury, some comfort in behalf of those in whom indulgence has become a habit, and much of the frugal hospitality that is addressed to the personal wants and the decencies of life.

But when he cannot have daylight, he is thankful for moonlight: and if he has not moonlight he will fain use starlight; and if he has not starlight he will be glad to have even a lamp or taper. The traveller wants to get home, and if so be that he gets home even by a taper light, it is well. And so, I believe that there are millions of heathens who are led home by tapers.