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Without thy eternity in us we are so small that we think ourselves great, and are thus miserably abject and contemptible. Thou only art true! thou only art noble! thou wantest no glory for selfishness! thou doest, thou art, what thou requirest of thy children!

At length he cleared the town and the bridge; and the yellowing boughs of the orchards drooped over the road towards the Roman home, when, as he spurred his steed, he heard behind him hoofs as in pursuit, looked back, and beheld Haco. He drew rein, "What wantest thou, my nephew?" "Thee!" answered Haco, briefly, as he gained his side. "Thy companionship."

Oh! this is a mighty thing! and yet prayer is no more before God, than as it is seasoned with these blessed qualifications. Whatever thy posture therefore shall be, see that thy prayers be pertinent and fervent, not mocking of thine own soul with words, while thou wantest, and art an utter stranger to, the very vital and living spirit of prayer.

As Jehoshaphat told the king of Israel, to whom he was joined in covenant, "I am as thou art, my people as thy people, my horses as thy horses:" so doth God say to all that are in covenant with Him, "My power is thine, My holiness is thine." By virtue of this covenant, whatsoever thou wantest, God cannot deny it thee, if it be good for thee.

If thou dost not know the way, inquire at the Word of God. If thou wantest company, cry for God's Spirit. If thou wantest encouragement, entertain the promises. But be sure thou begin by times; get into the way; run apace and hold out to the end; and the Lord give thee a prosperous journey. Farewell.

I will supply thee of the best, while while thou wantest it. And hark, whom wishest thou that I should seek?" This question arrested Adrian's departure.

"It was said," observed the baron sardonically, "that when thou disappeared with the gamekeeper's daughter at Obercassel Heaven knows where! thou wast swallowed up in a whirlpool with some creature. Ach Gott! I believe it! But a truce to this balderdash. And so thou wantest to know of the 'coy' sisters of Schoenberg? Hark ye, Jann, that cousin of thine is a Schonberg.

Martin Lightfoot heard this news with joy. "I have no more to do here," said he. "I have searched and asked far and wide for the man I want, and he is not on the Irish shores. Some say he is gone to the Orkneys, some to Denmark. Never mind; I shall find him before I die." "And for whom art looking?" "For one Thord Gunlaugsson, my father." "And what wantest with him?"

But I have a king whose throne is in mine own breast, and, alack, it taxeth me heavily, and with sore burdens." "I comprehend," said the visitor, glancing round the room, "I comprehend: thou wantest money for thy books and instruments, and thy melancholic passion is thy sovereign. Thou wilt incur the risk?" "I will," said Adam.

But she rejoined, 'Tell me the truth of the case, that I may order my affair; and what wantest thou with the mug of water? 'To give the broker a drink, answered he; whereupon she exclaimed, 'There is no power and no virtue but in God the Most High, the Supreme! And repeated the following verses: O thou that seekest parting, stay thy feet: Let clips and kisses not delude thy spright.