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Dick and Dave hugged the ground more closely behind their screen of bushes. "It's all right, Bill," announced the lookout in the doorway. "'Course this," growled a voice from the inside. "Too far from the main line o' travel for anyone to be spying around. Besides, no one guesses " "Well, you can go to sleep if ye wanter, Bill. I'm goin' ter sit up and smoke."

"'Mars Dugal', sezee, 'I knows I's be'n a monst'us bad nigger, but befo' I go I wanter git sump'n off'n my mine. Dave didn' steal dat bacon w'at wuz tuk out'n de smoke-'ouse. I stole it all, en I hid de ham under Dave's cabin fer ter th'ow de blame on him en may de good Lawd fergib me fer it. "Mars Dugal' had Wiley tuk back ter de plantation, en sont fer a doctor fer ter pick de shot out'n 'im.

Johnny slowly withdrew the freckled, warty little hand that had been resting confidingly in Jake's and gently sidled away from him. Jake burst into a loud laugh. "All right, Johnny boy," he said with a hearty slap upon the boy's back, "keep yer head shut ef yer wanter! Only ef anybody else comes bummin' round ye, like this, jest turn him over TO ME, and I'll lift him outer his boots!"

"'I ain' goophered nobody, ner done no cunjuh wuk, fer fifteen year er mo'; en w'en I got religion I made up my mine I would n' wuk no mo' goopher. But dey is some things I doan b'lieve it's no sin fer ter do; en ef you doan wanter be sent roun' fum pillar ter pos', en ef you doan wanter go down ter Robeson, I kin fix things so you won't haf ter.

Jus' watch me fix Jud Carpenter agin. Wanter see me git even with him? Well, come along." "What'll you do?" asked Ozzie B. "I'll make that mustang break his neck for the way he treated you, or my name ain't Archie B. Butts that's all. Venture pee wee under the bridge, bam bam bam!" "No oo no," began Ozzie B., beginning to cry again "Don't kill 'im it'll be cruel."

Mars Jim was stan'in' in front er Sandy Campbell's bar-room, up by de ole wagon-ya'd, w'en a po' w'ite man fum down on de Wim'l'ton Road come up ter 'im en ax' 'im, kinder keerless lack, ef he did n' wanter buy a mule. "'I dunno, says Mars Jim; 'it 'pen's on de mule, en on de price. Whar is de mule? "'Des 'roun' heah back er ole Tom McAllister's sto', says de po' w'ite man.

It was Pet Peters, a tall, raw-boned lad, who was swinging the camera to and fro in triumph, while he held up the waterproof package in which Will kept the rolls of films that had been exposed, awaiting the time when he could develop the same. "Say, but won't them sissies be hoppin' mad w'en they sees it gone?" he was saying, with a grin; "an' we can keep it as long as we wanter."

"I got down off'n my hoss an' pick 'im up an' take 'im out er de paff er de rucus, an' den when you-all done des ez much shootin' an' killin' ez you wanter, I went back an' put 'im on my hoss an' tuck 'im ter dat little house by de river. Dey's a white lady dar, an' she say she'll take keer un' 'im twel somebody come. Does you reckon any er his side gwineter come back atter 'im, Marse Harry?

"Look 'e hyar, young feller," began the Yankee skipper, as I set foot on the poop, "I wanter know what's the meanin' of this outrage. D'ye see that there flag up there? That's the galorious " "Stars and Stripes," I cut in. "Yes; I recognise it. But I may as well tell you at once that I know this ship has no right to hoist those colours.

George," said the negro in a grieved tone, "ef you could see me good you wouldn't set dar en say I'm a bad-lookin' nigger." "Are you really Blue Dave?" the young man asked, dropping his bantering tone and speaking seriously. "Yasser, Mars. George; I'm dat ve'y nigger." "What do you want with me?" "I des wanter tell you, Mars.