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I had fondly imagined that his safety was put beyond the reach of untoward accidents. Now, however, there was reason to suppose him to have perished by a lingering and painful disease, rendered fatal by the selfishness of mankind, by the want of seasonable remedies, and exposure to inclement airs. Some uncertainty, however, rested on his fate.

"That's all right, Toby," said Mr. Treat, with a pleased expression on his face; "an' you may bring Mr. Stubbs with you, if you want." "Thank you," said Toby. "I'm sure Mr. Stubbs will be just as glad to come as I shall. But where will we be tomorrow?" "Right here. We always stay over Sunday at the place where we show Saturday.

If you merely wished to separate, it would n't be necessary to get a divorce; but if you should want to marry again, you would have to be divorced, or else you would be guilty of bigamy, and could be sent to the penitentiary. But, by the way, uncle Wellington, when were you married?" "I got married 'fo' de wah, when I was livin' down on Rockfish Creek." "When you were in slavery?" "Yas, suh."

"It's in your favor that it's your own craft," said the mate; "you can go where you like. If you find the father, she might chuck the other feller." "That isn't my object in finding him," said the skipper. "I just want to find him to oblige her."

The classics are thus domesticated and made real to us. What matter if Æsop appear a little too much like an American citizen, so long as his points tell? It is in Emerson's treatment of the fine arts that we begin to notice his want of historic sense.

"No, no, my boy," said Colonel Winwood, who was standing with hands deep in trouser pockets and his head bent, staring at the carpet. "No words like that in this house. Besides, why should we want to go into all this?" He had the Englishman's detestation of unpleasant explanations. Ursula Winwood supported him. "Yes, why?" she asked.

He urged that a man should await his call, his finding the thing to do which he should really believe in doing, and not be urged by the world's opinion to do simply the world's work. "If no call should come for years, for centuries, then I know that the want of the Universe is the attestation of faith by my abstinence.... If I cannot work, at least I need not lie."

No consideration of the extent of damages, and the size of the sum, affected young Richard, who said boldly, "He will not object when I tell him I want that sum."

The lies Cree told Mysy were that he was sharing the meals he won for her, and that he wore the overcoat which he had exchanged years before for a blanket to keep her warm. There was a terrible want of spirit about Grinder Queery. Boys used to climb on to his stone roof with clods of damp earth in their hands, which they dropped down the chimney.