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Small wonder that Burghley and Walsingham believed that a French marriage would clinch matters, make France a virtually Huguenot Power, and secure a combination which would bring the Pope and the King of Spain to their knees.

'Captain Devereux, I've nothing to forgive, said the parson, kindly. 'But I tell you, Sir, this cruel, unmeaning separation will be my eternal ruin, cried Devereux. 'Listen to me by Heaven, you shall. I've fought a hard battle, Sir! I've tried to forget her to hate her it won't do. I tell you, Dr. Walsingham, 'tis not in your nature to comprehend the intensity of my love you can't.

Death had come so near, and all things less than itself were rebuked in that sublime presence; and Lily Walsingham was gone; and she who was so lately their gay companion, all at once so awfully angelic in the unearthly light of death. 'Who'd ha' thought it was so near, Ma'am, said the maid; 'the poor little thing!

But Heneage had now ceased to be interested in any enigmas that might be propounded by the English court, nor could he find comfort, as Walsingham had recommended he should do, in railing. "I wish I could follow your counsel," he said, "but sure the uttering of my choler doth little ease my grief or help my case."

Allow me to remind you of a ball last year, where you and I met both Sir John Hunter and Captain Walsingham; as I remember, you gave all your attention that evening to Sir John." "Oh, mother, I am ashamed of that evening I regret it more than any evening of my life. I did wrong, very wrong; and bitterly have I suffered for it, as people always do, sooner or later, by deceit.

It was like some of the enchanting dreams of romance merely to look at these fair creatures; and he stood as if gazing into a magic-glass till Sir Francis Walsingham, looking round for him, said, 'Come, then, my young friend, you must do your devoirs to the Queens. Sidney, I see, is as usual in his element; the King has seized upon him.

"I am the worst metaphysician in the world," said Mrs. Beaumont; "I have not head enough to analyze my heart." "Nor I neither," said Miss Hunter: "Heigho!" "Hark!" cried Mr. Beaumont, "I think I hear a horse galloping. It is he! it is Walsingham!" Out ran Beaumont, full speed, to meet his friend; whilst, with, more sober joy, Mr. Walsingham waited on the steps, where all the company assembled, Mr.

The captains, statesmen, corsairs, merchant-adventurers, poets, dramatists, the great Queen herself, the Cecils, Raleigh, Walsingham, Drake, Hawkins, Gilbert, Howard, Willoughby, the Norrises, Essex, Leicester, Sidney, Spenser, Shakspeare and the lesser but brilliant lights which surrounded him; such were the men who lifted England upon an elevation to which she was not yet entitled by her material grandeur.

Walsingham proposed the matter to Paulet, and desired him to connive at Gifford's corrupting one of his servants; but Paulet, averse to the introducing of such a pernicious precedent into his family, desired that they would rather think of some other expedient. Gifford found a brewer, who supplied the family with ale; and bribed him to convey letters to the captive queen.

There it was a good sword-cut or pistol-shot at once, and one took one's chance of a return, without all this hypocrisy of law and justice to weary one out and make men double traitors." "Methought Walsingham winced when your Majesty went to the point with him," said Bourgoin. "And you put up with his explanation?" said Melville. "Truly I longed to demand of what practices Mr.