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Her own or another's: it is all one to the Spider, who walks away proudly with the alien wallet. This was to be expected, in view of the similarity of the pills exchanged. A test of another kind, with a second subject, renders the mistake more striking. I substitute, in the place of the lawful bag which I have removed, the work of the Silky Epeira.

"I found an appraiser's receipt in your wallet. You carried some fine jewels. Did you hide them or did Karlov get them? It struck me as odd that you haven't inquired about them." The change that came into Hawksley's face alarmed Cutty. The rich olive skin became chalky and the eyes closed. "What is it? Shall I call Miss Frances?" "No." Hawksley opened his eyes, but looked dully straight ahead.

"Nobody aroun', is there, Steve?" whispered Royce. "Nobody," Packard assured him. "Where is it, Bill?" Royce's hands, groping with the wall, rested at last upon a knob of stone near the base of the foundation. He tugged; the stone, rudely squared, came away, leaving a gaping hole. Royce thrust his hand in, searched briefly, and in a moment brought out a flat wallet clutched tightly.

He caught up the pen, poised it an indecisive moment, then hastily scribbled Paris: as well Paris as anywhere. Then he took out his wallet, comfortably packed with English and French bank-notes, and a second wave of astonishment rolled over him. Altogether, it was a rare good chance that he ever came to the surface again. No plan, no place of residence, no American money! "Good Lord!

For they have thrust me out of the city, and there is no one who has pity on me. 'Alas! cried the Star-Child, 'I have but one piece of money in my wallet, and if I bring it not to my master he will beat me, for I am his slave. But the leper entreated him, and prayed of him, till the Star-Child had pity, and gave him the piece of white gold.

With these words he took off his overcoat and handed it to M. Moriaz, who, feeling almost frozen, offered feeble objections to donning the garment, although he had some difficulty in getting into the sleeves. During this time Count Abel had thrown down on the rock the wallet he carried slung to a leathern strap over his shoulders.

He had been besieged with worries about the possible theft of his wallet from the drawer of the night stand in the room of the guest house, and yet now he would willingly give away the money he had and the bands of gold that he wore which separated him from others of the swarthy, befouled herd, for an opportunity to sleep.

Brown rose from his chair, bent over him, remained poised above his shoulder for a few moments. Then he coolly took the key from McKay's overcoat pocket and very deftly continued the search, in spite of the drowsy restlessness of the other. But there were no papers, no keys, only a cheque-book and a wallet packed with new banknotes and some foreign gold and silver.

In the settlement, Leopold received forty-six dollars; Stumpy's share, according to a standing agreement, was one quarter of the proceeds of the sale; and the eleven dollars and a half which he put into his wallet was quite as satisfactory to him as the thirty-four dollars and a half was to Leopold.

This was more than Socrates had bargained for. He saw that he had gone too far, and was likely to wreck his prospects and those of the school. "I will look into the matter," he said, hurriedly, "and report to the school hereafter. You may now apply yourselves to your studies." Among the boys of Smith Institute there was but one opinion on the subject of the principal's wallet.