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If he won't forgive yer, why, he won't, and that settles it. You've had a fair chance to see what you could do with him, and you've failed; we decided to give yer a quarter of a hour, and the time's up; so out you comes; d'ye hear?" The next moment Walford was seized by the collar, and was being dragged roughly enough out of the state-room, when Rudd, pretending to relent, called out

He wished no evil to the young baronet, he bore no grudge against him for Ida's idiotic fondness; but the fact remained that the boy's death would make Brian Walford Wendover's wife a rich woman. It is not in the nature of a man living among sharp-witted lawyers and men about town to ignore a fact of this kind.

But but I mean Supposing he IS my uncle, am I his lawful heir?" "Yes. Walford Byron, the only other brother of your father, died years ago, while you were at Moncrief's; and he had no sons. Bingley is a bachelor." "But," said Cashel, cautiously, "won't there be some bother about my at least " "My dearest child, what are you thinking or talking about? Nothing can be clearer than your title."

The state-room into which Walford was thus unceremoniously ushered was divided from the saloon by a bulkhead with a door in it, the upper panel of which was fitted with sloping slats like those of the Venetian window-blinds of the present day; it was perfectly easy, therefore, for an occupant of the state-room to hear all that passed in the saloon, and vice versa.

Comprenny?" So saying, he coolly shifted the key from the inside to the outside of the saloon-door, slammed the latter, turned the key, and then the wretched Walford heard the heavy tramp of his footsteps upon the deck rapidly growing fainter and more faint as he walked away.

On hearing the order given for the gentlemen to pass down into the boats, Walford mingled with the group and pressed quietly forward to the gangway, having a vivid remembrance of Talbot's terrible threat, and not caring to remind him of it by a too obtrusive exhibition of his anxiety to escape.

Walford had evidently either forgotten all about his ill-advised suggestion, or had believed the crew to be ignorant of it: he seemed to have thought that the utmost extent of the mutineers' complaint against him would be that he had not interfered in their behalf.

I'll call the business manager in." Walford whistled through a tube, and shortly after the business manager appeared. "Read this," said Walford briefly, "and give Mr. McQuade your honest opinion regarding its publication. Mr. McQuade thinks it ought to run as local news." The business manager read it. "It makes good reading, Mr. McQuade, but if you want to kill the Times, run it.

This strange experience of the Puddington household was told throughout the village. Some were satisfied that witchery was no longer to be feared, but others still held their belief. In course of time, however, the witch acts believed of Jane Walford were forgotten. John Hinkson led his saddled horse from the stable one September morning in 1662.

"I trust you will find it easy to believe that I have only been following my orders; and, therefore, doing my duty." "You couldn't have done less, Ensign," replied Dr. Barnard, courteously. "You couldn't have been more courteous." "Are we at liberty to proceed on our way, sir?" asked Captain Walford, as the young acting ensign went over the side.