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They can keep them at every switch and junction. But this isn't France, remember, nor is it any small, compact European country. Conditions are wholly different here. Everywhere, vast stretches of track exist. No power on earth not even Flint and Waldron's can guard all those hundreds of thousands of miles.

Just once, as the car whirled through a brightly lighted square in a small village where a country festival of some sort was in progress, he saw her take advantage of a moment when everybody's attention was caught by the scene, and look suddenly and absorbedly at Kirke Waldron's face in profile.

Must be a sudden move; no hint of it in his last letter." He consulted his watch. He would have to emulate Waldron's haste if he reached the Warrington Street Station by ten o'clock. He made a number of rapid moves, resulting in his catching a through car which bore him downtown at express speed and landed him in the big station at a minute before ten.

On the very day this business was put through, practically delivering the Flint interests into Waldron's hands in the case of the old man's death, a verdict was reached in Gabriel's case, at Rochester. This case, crammed through the calendar, ahead of a large jam of other business, proved how well unlimited funds can grease the wheels of Law.

Dorothy, in her turn, could see Waldron's clean-cut, purposeful face, his deep-set eyes, the modelling of his strong mouth and chin, the fine line of his cheek. As they had looked at each other when they first met, so they looked at each other again before they parted. Yet between that meeting and that parting something had happened.

How harsh, how strange and unwelcome, the words sounded! How they seemed to oppress him and prevent his reply! He stood a moment dazed and vaguely worried: he could not explain it. He looked from Mrs. Waldron's kind face to the sweet, flushed, lovely features there so near him, and something told him that he could never let them go and find even hope or content in life again.

As he spoke, he looked round, and saw the figure of "Cobbler" Horn, who, evidently in dread of a demonstration on the part of his grateful friend, was modestly moving away amongst the crowd. One stride of Thaddeus P. Waldron's long legs, and he had his benefactor by the arm. "Here, stranger no, darn it all, you aren't a stranger, no how you fix it this way sir, if you please."

"He knows better. At any rate try persuasion. He has a remarkably good temper and a child could lead him. In fact a child sometimes does. He'd do anything for Waldron's little girl. Just say you admire and share his ambitions for the welfare of the workers.

Rabbits twinkled into the furzes where Waldron's three fox terriers ran before the party; and now and then a brave buck coney would stand upon the nibbled knoll above his burrow and drum danger before he darted in. It was a haunt of the cuckoo and peewit, the bunting and carrion crow. "Here we killed on the seventeenth of January last," said Raymond's host. "A fine finish to a grand run.

"Perhaps," replied Benjamin, "we had better go right to the Waldron's garrison, since it is so near. I see lights there." The party, filled with fear, hastened to the house suggested and knocked at the outer gate. "Let us in!" they pleaded. No answer, however, came from the home within. Benjamin then climbed the wall and looked over the top.