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Of course we'll have to ask after poor Tom, but we haven't any curiosity." "Wal, p'aps not ony thar is people that find this a dreadful cur'ous place. It's got, as I said, a pootyish harbure; but that ain't the grand attraction.

'Whom not to know argues one's self unknown. Your most obedient, ma'am," bowing and scraping. "Your son has attracted the attention of the officers, and made himself pop'lar with every body. Mabby ye haven't heerd " "I've heard," interrupted the anxious mother. "But how is he? Tell me that!" "Wal, he was a little grain more chirk last night, I was told.

"Wal, now, Tom," he said, "ye re'lly is too bad, as I al'ays have told ye; ye know, Tom, you and I used to talk over these yer matters down in Natchez, and I used to prove to ye that we made full as much, and was as well off for this yer world, by treatin' on 'em well, besides keepin' a better chance for comin' in the kingdom at last, when wust comes to wust, and thar an't nothing else left to get, ye know."

"That's exactly what I mean. God's gifts will be as much to us as we will let them, always. Try it and see." Mom Wallis stood for some minutes looking out reflectively at the mountain. "Wal, mebbe I'll try it!" she said, and turned back to survey the room again.

As I rolled about in my blanket, not able to sleep a wink, I remembered what Deerfoot had said to me about praying. Strange I'd never thought of it before. Wal, I got on my knees, and if ever a poor wretch prayed it was Jack Halloway, and I kept it up for two or three hours. I was about ready to let go when the thing which I was praying for came to me!

I don't seem to guess we need beat around," he went on impatiently. "That ain't bin our way, Padre. Guess those hosses are ready for us. They'll be ready night an' day till the time comes. Then wal, we're both goin' to use 'em." The younger man's impatience had no disturbing effect upon the other. But his smile deepened to a great look of affection. "Still chewin' that bone?" he said.

So now, cunule, clap on steam for Valparaiso, and you'll soon overhaul the old stink-pot. You may know him by the brown patch in his jib-sail, the ontidy varmint. Pull out your purse and bind him to drop lying about ducks and geese, and tell you the truth; he knows where your gal is, I swan. Wal, ye needn't smother me."

She's made to set around an' take in all those good things the good God meant for her so she can pass 'em right on to the kiddies still to be born. A woman's jest the mother of the world. An' the men she sets on it are there to see her right. The woman who don't see it that way is wrong dead wrong. An' the man that don't get right up on to his hind legs an' do those things wal, he ain't a man."

"Wal, Josh, 'ithout talkin' o' common sense, ye've good grist o' lawyers' sense that I know; an' so, I suppose, ye've tuk it into your head to make beginnin' on me. Aint that why ye've come over this mornin'?" "What?" "To make a Mormon o' me."

Then she looked under the bed and in the closet, and felt all round the room: where she couldn't see she felt her way, and there wa'n't nothin' there. "Wal, next mornin' Cinthy got up and went home, and she kep' it to herself a good while. Finally, one day when she was workin' to our house she told Hepsy about it, and Hepsy she told me."