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Soon a noiseless individual in a white waistcoat and a dress-coat put his head in at the door, advanced, straightened the chairs, closed the book the Doctor had opened, put the gas out and went away, shutting the door for the night, and leaving the room to its recollections.

Scorrier, sir who went out for us." These sentences were murmured in a way suggestive of their uncommon value. The director uncrossed his legs, and bowed. Scorrier also bowed, and Hemmings, leaning back, slowly developed the full resources of his waistcoat. "So you are going out again, Scorrier, for the other side? I tell Mr. Scorrier, sir, that he is going out for the enemy.

The gentlemen wore knee-breeches and silk stockings, the former ornamented with knots of ribbon; the scarf was very full and rich, and often fell in folds over the front of the waistcoat; the coat was usually gaily coloured. Swords were worn by the gallants, and the periwig was seen everywhere in high society. The dress of the lower ranks was of sober colour, and of stout but coarse texture.

Didn't I tell you I had everything taped out?" "Yes, sir, but " "What do you mean but?" "Well, sir " "Push on, Jeeves. I am ready, even anxious, to hear your views." "Well, sir, if I may take the liberty of reminding you of it, your plans in the past have not always been uniformly successful." There was a silence rather a throbbing one during which I put on my waistcoat in a marked manner.

Pea-jacket means boat-work, cuttins out, fire-ships, landin parties, and the like. If it's old blue frock and yaller waistcoat, then it's lay em aboard and say your prayers. And if it's cocked hat and chewin a quid, then it's elp you God: for your time's come." "You're a disgrace to the Service, Mr. Lanyon," came a curt voice. "And you're a credit to it, sir," was the hearty retort. "Go below."

"Mother let out a little cry. Father looks from him to me, and from me to him, as if comparing our faces for, upon my soul, Charley did not resemble himself at all. Nobody moved; and the poor fellow raises his big brown hands slowly to his throat, and with one single tug rips everything open collar, shirt, waistcoat a perfect wreck and ruin of a man.

Half-way up, they stopped, evidently arrested by my waistcoat, a flowered satin of the very latest cut, for which I had paid forty shillings in the Haymarket, scarcely a week before; and, as I looked down at it, I would joyfully have given it, and every waistcoat that was ever cut, to have had that forty shillings safe back in my pocket again. "That be a mighty fine weskit, sir!"

And frequently, with little pats, one or another would clap their hands to their pockets behind and look round, as though expecting young Jolyon or some disinterested-looking person to relieve them of the contents. A well-fed man in a white waistcoat said slowly through his teeth: "It's all greed; they can't be hungry. Why, they take no exercise."

I ain't hankerin' arter THAT either, but come you shall!" "Give your signal and have an end of this," said the major curtly. The sheriff looked at him again curiously. "I never had my hands in another man's pockets before, major, but I reckon I'll have to take your derringers from yours." He slipped his hand into the major's waistcoat and secured the weapons.

The victory being thus decided, it was proposed to adjourn to a cellar hard by, and drink friends. But when my friend began to gather up his clothes, he perceived that some honest person or other had made free with his shirt, neckcloth, hat, and wig, which were carried off; and probably his coat and waistcoat would have met with the same fate, had they been worth stealing.