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Meantime the rain, which had already exerted so much influence on the military movements of the year, still maintained the supremacy over human plans. The Yssel and the Waal, always deep, broad, sluggish, but dangerous rivers the Rhine in its old age were swollen into enormous proportions, their currents flowing for the time with the vigour of their far away youth.

I'd like a pair of the stoutest and thickest lace-up waterproofers as I could get not a pair of old Fatty's cobbling, but real down good uns, out of Southampton's town." "Yes!" panted Waller, "And what else would you do with the money?" "Waal, I don't know about what else," said the man thoughtfully. "That there weskit and them boots would about do for the present."

How long'll it take to finish up thet air net, darter?" "Not much longer; but isn't it early to start, father? The ice is hardly broken up, is it?" "Waal, it's breakin' fast, Sairay; another day or two like this'll fetch it, an' it's 'first come best haul, ye know, nowadays, sence all creation's got to runnin' to the Banks.

"Hev that thar boy gone ter bed?" he asked. "Waal," she slowly drawled, in a soft, placid voice, "he kem hyar 'bout'n haffen hour ago so nigh crazed ter go ter stay all night with Jim an' Benny Gryce ez I hed ter let him. Old man Gryce rid by hyar in his wagon on his way home from the settlemint. So Ab went off with the Gryce boys an' thar gran'dad."

Long Jim scratched his chin for a moment. "Waal," he said, "I guess that what the lady says goes. We ain't often favoured with ladies' society, boys, and I guess when we are we'd better do as we are told. Turn 'em loose, boys." They abandoned the sport a little reluctantly. Suddenly they all paused to listen. The sound of a horse's slow footfall was heard close at hand.

Bucquoy's ambition was to cross the Waal at a point as near as possible to the fork of that stream with the true Rhine, seize the important city of Nymegen, and then give the hand to Spinola, so soon as he should be on the other side of the Yssel.

"Waal, the upshot was that Billy said he could stand it no longer. So last night he raked up half the spare cash, leavin' the rest and the farm and stock to Susan, an' he loped out. But first he said he had to hear Jimmy Grayson, who is mighty nigh a whole team of prophets to him, and, as Jimmy's goin' west, right on his way, he's come along.

Nothing could induce the stadholder, who held an observing position at Wesel, with his back against the precious watery quadrilateral, to risk the defence of those most vital lines of the Yssel and the Waal. While attempting to save Rheinberg, he felt it possible that he might lose Nymegen, or even Utrecht. The swift but wily Genoese was not to be trifled with or lost sight of an instant.

"Ah, that looks like the pie mother used to make," Ida said, as the landlady put it down. "Waal, I'd know. Seems to me the crust is a leetle too short. I've ben havin' pretty good luck lately; but this pumpkin weren't just the very best. It was one of them thin-rinded ones, you know. Pumpkins weren't extry good; weren't thunder enough, I reckon, this summer."

After asking a question or two they rode to the Mormon waggons, and instead of starting with the rest, the cattle was taken out and they stopped behind. Waal, I thought I would wait for a bit and see what they were arter.