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Wot's more, they does it in a lingo that no one can't go for to make out, not even a Frenchy hisself, because I never see one Frog listenin' to another did you, sir? Wot's more, sir, they gets all of a lather over things which is only fit for women-folk to worry on such as w'ether a hen has laid its egg reg'lar; or the coffee, was it black enough?

"That may well be, sor," he said in solemn deference, "but w'ether there is or isn't such a thing, sor, it's 'orrible to see, either way." From the banding of the men against him, Madden became aware that they had decided on the real cause of the mystery behind his back, and he would have hard work to argue them out of the sea serpent idea.

Sometimes she gits one an' another to submit to her treatment, an' then she locks 'em up in 'er 'ouse though it ain't a big un an' treats 'em, as she calls it. She's got one there now, it's my belief, though w'ether it's a he or a she I can't tell. Now, she may 'ave seen your friend goin' about if 'e stayed long in Whitechapel."

"I ain't never 'ad it put on me, Miss," she said, with the air of a martyr trying to make himself comfortable up against the stake, "not as a regler thing, I ain't, but wotever I'm asked to do in the line of duty whiles I'm dwellin' in this sufferin' and dyin' world, I aims to do the best wot I can, w'ether it's milkin' a cow, drownin' kittens, or buryin' a cat wot can't stay buried."

If you will not aid me for the sake of a poor, helpless, infatuated girl, who is on the brink of ruin " "Missis Dashwood," said the Bloater, with a look of serio-comic dignity, "I scorns bribery as much as you does. `No bribery, no c'rupt'ons, no Popery, them's my mottoes besides a few more that there's no occasion to mention. W'ether or not I gives 'im up depends on circumstances.

Then three other men, together with Abner, seized him by the hands and feet, and half dragged, half carried him across the room to the door in the middle of one of the sides which opened into the jail corridor. "Swing the cuss three times, so's ter git kinder a goin, an then we'll see w'ether his head or the door's the thickest," said Abner. "Giv' em the keys, Marthy.

"Yes," said the door-keeper, in answer to Ralph's question, "there'll be another train going up at eleven thirty-five." "Do you know Mr. Sharpman?" asked the boy, timidly. "Mr. who?" "Mr. Sharpman, the lawyer from Scranton." "No, I don't know him, why?" "Oh, I didn't know but you might know w'ether he'd gone home or not; but, of course, if you don't know 'im you couldn't tell."

"`W'ichever way you please, as the man said w'en the alligator axed 'im w'ether he'd prefer to be chawed up or bolted whole." Concluding that, on the whole, the conversation of his friends did not tend to edification, Miles left them and went to one of the starboard gangways, from which he could take a contemplative view of Nature in her beautiful robe of night.

He was the most vinturesome lad of thim all!" "Did it fly up and hit him?" I asts her. I was wondering w'ether she is making fun of me or am I making fun of her. Them Irish is like that, you can never tell which. "No," says she, "he fell off of it. And I'm thinking you don't know what it is yourself."

"Ah!" said Gillie, with the air of a cross-examining advocate, "the keewestion is not w'ether I could behave myself if I wos to try, but, w'ether I think I could. Well, ahem! that depends. I think I could, now, if there was offered a very strong indoocement." "Just so, my lad," returned the Captain, nodding, "that's exactly what I mean to offer.