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They also limited the execution which might be done by one shell. Even so they were not an unmixed blessing, for they were always in the way when you wanted to get anywhere in a hurry. But you gets trench legs arter a w'ile. It'll be a funny sight to see blokes walkin' along the street in Lunnon w'en the war's over.

"I notices dat dem fokes w'at makes a great 'miration 'bout w'at dey knows is des de fokes w'ich you can't put no 'pennunce in w'en de 'cashun come up. Yer one un um now, en he done come en excuse me er 'lowin dat rabbits is got long, bushy tails, w'ich goodness knows ef I'd a dremp' it, I'd a whirl in en on-dremp it."

W'at wuz dey fer ter be skeered un? sezee. 'I know'd you'd git away wid Mr. Dog ef I didn't, en I des lay dar watchin' you shake him, waitin' fer ter put in w'en de time come, sezee. "Brer Coon tu'n up his nose. "'Dat's a mighty likely tale, sezee, 'w'en Mr. Dog ain't mo'n tech you 'fo' you keel over, en lay dar stiff, sezee.

"Because, lad, you must do it at the right time. You watch w'en the focus of a revolvin' light is comin' full in a bird's face. The moment it does so 'e's dazzled, and you grab 'im. If you grab too soon or too late, 'e's away. That's 'ow it is, and they're capital heatin', as you'll find." Thus much for Ruby's astonishment. Now for his being stunned.

You should 'ave seen Swallow'd-the-poker w'en I refused to 'ave it." "Refused it?" "Ay refused it. Come Hetty, I'll explain." The boy dropped his facetious tone and manner while he rapidly ran over the chief points of his interview with Sir Richard. "But why did you refuse so good an offer?" asked Hetty, still unable to repress her surprise. "Because of daddy." "Daddy?" "Ay, daddy.

"You won't make a complaint agin' me?" "I will not." "Well, den, yere's his card wot he give me." The ruffian fumbled in his pocket and took out a card, which he passed to Frank, who eagerly grasped it. "Here's a match, me boy," said the man. "I had a pocketful w'en I braced yer for one."

I've been forty years, off an' on, in these parts, an' I've always obsarved that old irons o' that sort don't bust; cause why? they'd ha' busted w'en they wos new, if they'd bin goin' to bust at all. The fact is, they can't bust. They're too useless even for that." "How comes it," inquired Bertram, "that the buffaloes are not afraid of a wolf?

So long ez I live, she says, 'dey ain't never to heah it frum my lips an' you must both gimme yore word dat dey don't never heah it frum yourn. W'en I dies, an' not befo' den, dey may know de truth. De day dey lays me in de coffin you kin tell 'em both de secret but not befo'! she says. "So you see, child, we were under a pledge, and till to-day I've kept that pledge.

Dar she sets," continued the old man, gazing at it reflectively, "dar she sets dez ez natchul ez er ambertype, an' yit whar's de man w'at kin tell w'at kinder confab she's a gwineter carry on w'en dat corn-cob is snatched outen 'er mouf? Dat jug is mighty seetful, mon." "Well, it don't deceive any of us up here," remarked the agricultural editor, dryly. "We've seen jugs before."

W'en I first putt up at the Welcome, the messmate as took me there said to me, says he, `Jack, says he, `you was always fond o' water. `Right you are, says I. `Well, says he, `there's a place in the Sailors' Welcome where you can wash yourself all day, if you like, for nothing! "I do b'lieve it was that as indooced me to give in.