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All wait to see w'at Gaviller will do. "Gaviller let the steamboat bring it down. He say the freight is fifteen dollars. Jean Bateese say: 'Tak' it back again. I won't pay. Gaviller say: 'You got to pay. He put it on the book against Gagnon." Tole related other incidents of a like character, Ambrose listened with ever mounting indignation.

How's Honoré? Tell me what has happened. Remember, I've been away five months." "No; I am verrie glad dat I sole 'er. What? Ha! I should think so! If it have not had been fo' dat I would not be married to-day. You think I would get married on dat sal'rie w'at Proffis-or Frowenfel' was payin' me?

"Des 'bout dat time I see de fe'ymun come down ter de flat en onloose de chain, en make ez he wuz comin' 'cross arter me. Wid dat I raise up my hat en tip 'im a bow, en dat's de las' I seed un 'im. "I come back, I did," continued Mingo, reflectively, "en yer I is, en yer I bin; en I ain't come none too soon, en I ain't stay none too close, n'er, kaze I dunuer w'at mout er happin.

"Den ole Brer Rabbit, he laff, he did, en up en 'spon', sezee: 'Ef I'd a know'd you wuz atter dat, Brer Fox, I'd a loant you some er mine, sezee." "BRER RABBIT en Brer Fox wuz like some chilluns w'at I knows un," said Uncle Remus, regarding the little boy, who had come to hear another story, with an affectation of great solemnity.

De smoke-'ouses wuz lock', but somebody had a key, en manage' ter git in some way er 'nudder. Dey 's mo' ways 'n one ter skin a cat, en dey's mo' d'n one way ter git in a smoke-'ouse, leastways dat's w'at I hearn say. Folks w'at had bacon fer ter sell did n' hab no trouble 'bout gittin' rid un it.

"Wal, it seems you don't," said she, "though I don' deny but you may know heow ter give 'em; an' ez I alluz like ter du w'at good I kin, I'm gwine ter show ye." "Show away," says I; "but I'll be bound, I've knit and sold and eaten up more mittens than ever you put your hands in!" "Du tell!

"'No, no! sezee, 'I wouldn' 'spec' ter be 'vited ter de weddin', a common, low-down fiel'-han' lak I is. But I's glad ter heah you en Jeff is gittin' 'long so well. I didn' knowed but w'at he had 'mence' ter be a little ti'ed. "'Ti'ed er me? Dat's rediklus! sez Chloe. 'W'y, dat nigger lubs me so I b'liebe he'd go th'oo fier en water fer me. Dat nigger is des wrop' up in me.

W'at is this?" Alfarez bustled into the conversation. "Embezzle? He is then a t'ief?" "Exactly. If you're the inspector I'll ask you to make this arrest for me. I believe we're on foreign ground." "That's right, Alfarez," came the voice of John Weeks, anxious to have a word in the affair. "I'll vouch for Mr. Williams.

"You know my boy," suddenly said she. Frowenfeld looked at her. "Yass, sah. Dat boy w'at bring you de box of basilic lass Chrismus; dass my boy." She straightened her cakes on the tray and made some changes in their arrangement that possibly were important. "I learned to speak English in Fijinny. Bawn dah."

She'll marry dat rich w'ite gent'eman, he won't never know de diffe'nce, an' be a w'ite lady, ez she would 'a' be'n, ef some ole witch had n' changed her in her cradle. But maybe some time she'll 'member de little nigger w'at use' ter nuss her w'en she woz a chile, an' fished her out'n de ole canal, an' would 'a' died fer her ef it would 'a' done any good."