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"Well, well?" said Percival. "Hold Brompton," said Beck, with a brevity of word and clearness of perception worthy a Spartan. "Old Brompton?" repeated Percival, thinking the reply the most natural in the world. "In a big 'ous by hisself," continued Beck, "with a 'igh vall in front." "You would know it again?" "In course; he's so wery peculiar." "He, who?" "Vy, the 'ous.

"My pizzness!" ejaculated the thing, "vy vat a low bred buppy you mos pe vor to ask a gentleman und an angel apout his pizziness!" This language was rather more than I could bear, even from an angel; so, plucking up courage, I seized a salt-cellar which lay within reach, and hurled it at the head of the intruder.

And now I vill tell you joyful news. There is a maiden coming up to see you she is asking in the publisher's office oh such a lovely maiden!" Pinchas grinned all over his face, and was like to dig his editor in the ribs. "What maiden?" "I do not know; but vai-r-r-y beaudiful. Aha, I vill go. Have you not been good to me? But vy come not beaudiful maidens to me?"

Comrade Stankewitz, Jimmie's cigar-store friend, cried out in his shrill eager voice: Vy did we vant to git mixed up vit them European fights? Didn't we know vat bankers and capitalists vere? Vat difference did it make to any vorking man vether he vas robbed from Paris or Berlin?

Pickwick; 'but old men may come here through their own heedlessness and unsuspicion, and young men may be brought here by the selfishness of those they serve. It is better for those young men, in every point of view, that they should not remain here. Do you understand me, Sam? 'Vy no, Sir, I do NOT, replied Mr. Weller doggedly. 'Try, Sam, said Mr. Pickwick.

Tom decided to tackle him. "Please can you tell me the way to the Docks where the P and O steamers come in?" said he. The man let drop his match and stared at the boy. "Vy," said he with an odd shrug, "that is some long walks from here. Mais, comment. Vas you not at ze Christy Minstrel to-night viz a nice gentleman?" "Rather!" said the boy. "Were you there? I say, wasn't it a clipping turn out?

Then she began as she always did when excited, with: "Clara, now Clara, you know I told my vater of you, for dat you were goot to me, und he say, vat he alvays say not'ing. "Oh, Semantha!" I cried, "why did you tell him that?" "But vy not?" asked the girl, innocently.

"Well, but arter you've found, an' squeezed, an' dried, an' stuck, an' named, an' talked about him," repeated Paul, with a slight look of contempt, "what the better are ye for it all?" "Vy, ve is moche de better," returned the botanist, "for den ve tries to find out all about him.

"Of course not," said the Dodo, with dignity, "Our family have been extinct for some time." "Vell, und vy didn't you keep so?" asked the Walrus. "It vas der best ting vat you could do. Dere is no goot for such tings like you to be aboudt." "Come along," said the Dodo, turning to the others; "let's go. I was never so insulted in all my life."

"Vy midout you de movement vould crumble like a mummy in de air; be not such a fool-man. To everybody I haf said ah, dat Simon Wolf he is a great man, a vair great man; he is de only man among de English Jews who can save de East-End; it is he that should be member for Vitechapel not that fool-man Gideon. Be not such a fool-man! Haf anoder glaz sherry and some more ham-sandwiches."