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"Probably she will endorse the bond as she is a liberal little woman," said the Dean, "and in any case our brother Bull, if I may be pardoned a vulgarism, will knock the stuffing out of that pestilent Menzi and his crowd." "Do you think so?" asked the other. "I am not so certain. I have met old Menzi, and he is a tough nut to crack. He may 'knock the stuffing' out of him.

The possibility of sacrifice or willing concession could not enter her mind. "But I cannot, I cannot! Oh, mother! think how little I have seen of crowds. To sing before one would kill me!" "Mother!" repeated Olympia, "how often must I tell you that I hate the word! an American vulgarism!" "Forgive me, mamma; it was only because I was so frightened at the idea of singing in public.

At the same time, as "somewheres" has become irremediably a vulgarism in England, it would, I think, be a graceful concession on the part of educated Americans to drop the "s." After all, "somewhere" does not jar in America, and "somewheres" very distinctly jars in England. Mr.

Language The Vulgarism of Asia Minor The development of the language during this period turned on the distinction between the classical Latin of cultivated society and the vulgar language of common life.

There is life; and there, a step away, is death. There is the only kind of beauty there ever was. There is the old human struggle and its fruits together. There is the text and the sermon, the real and the ideal in one. But to the jaded and unquickened eye it is all dead and common, pure vulgarism, flatness, and disgust.

"I can't see why it should make her any less unselfish to attend the best girls' school than to to run with the boys." She brought out the little vulgarism with a faint curl of her lovely lip. "'Run with the boys! That has a positively Salem flavor, hasn't it? Almost as deadly, that 'with, as 'after," He loved words, Stephen Lorimer; he played with them and juggled them.

To use a vulgarism, he has an extremely "level head." He fails to realize the attraction and the dignity which are implied by what he is told of the nobleness of his father's calling, of the purifying and elevating influences of a daily intercourse with nature. He is not to be caught with this sort of chaff.

If there were only one young gentleman fresh from College, one maiden lady Understander teaching us our duty, life would be simpler. But there are so many young gentlemen from College, so many maiden lady Understanders, on the job if I may be permitted a vulgarism; and as yet they are not all agreed. It is distracting for the parent anxious to do right.

The Asiatic vulgarism of Hortensius thus dislodged classicism from the Roman platform and partly also from literature. But the fashion soon changed once more in Greece and in Rome.

Ask yourselves, therefore, 'what you would be at', and with what dispositions you come to this most sacred table? In an age of colloquial idioms, when to write in a loose slang had become a mark of loyalty, this is the only L'Estrange vulgarism I have met with in Leighton. Ib. Exhortation to the Students, p. 252.