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These doorways are generally very rich; they possess a series of mouldings sometimes springing from shafts, sometimes running not only round the arched head, but also up the jambs of the opening; and each moulding is richly carved, very often with a repetition of the same ornament on each voussoir of the arch.

For the first time in his life he felt distrustful of himself, and he suspected, too, that Furneaux was only covering abject failure by a display of high spirits. "Why so pensive an attitude, James?" inquired the other softly. "Are you still wondering what the extrados of a voussoir is?" "I don't care a tuppenny damn what it is." "But that's where you're wrong.

One voussoir is as much a keystone as another; only people usually call the stone which is last put in the keystone; and that one happens generally to be at the top or middle of the arch. § V. Not only the arch, but even the lintel, may be built of many stones or bricks.

That's where you're crass and pig-headed. The extrados of a voussoir " "Oh, kill it, and let it die happy " " is the outer curve of a wedge-shaped stone used for building an arch. Now, mark you, those are words of merit. Wedge, arch wedges of fact which shall construct the arch of evidence. We'll have our man in the dock across that bridge before we are much older." "Confound it, how?

Each voussoir was a cast-iron framed piece two feet long and five feet in depth, and these were bolted together. The Southwark bridge over the Thames, by Sir John Rennie, followed, in which a similar principle of construction is adopted.

It is a Veronese arch, probably of the thirteenth century, and finished with extreme care; the red portions are all in brick, delicately cast: and the most remarkable feature of the whole is the small piece of brick inlaid on the angle of each stone voussoir, with a most just feeling, which every artist will at once understand, that the color ought not to be let go all at once.