United States or Guatemala ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But you may depend on it that, as far as morality is concerned, you might as well have won by the crack of the billiard-ball or the turn of the dice-box. Some good people cannot stand this raffling, and so, at fairs, they go to "voting," sometimes for editors, and sometimes for ministers, at a dollar a vote. Now the Methodist minister is ahead; now the Presbyterian leads, and now the Baptist.

"It may make this of some women, just as of some men," said I. "But all men do not take any great interest in politics; it is very difficult to get some of the best of them to do their duty in voting, and the same will be found true among women." "But, after all," said Bob, "what do you gain?

Duly seconded, the motion was again put, Clark and half a dozen others voting as before. "Those opposed," remarked the President in tones perceptibly less conciliatory than an hour earlier "will say, No." The scarcely audible, but none the less effective "no" prevailed, the leader meanwhile giving no sign and apparently rapt as if unravelling the mysteries beyond the veil.

In the West large numbers of former Populists undoubtedly went over completely to the Democracy, even when they had the opportunity of voting for the same Bryan electors under a Populist label. In the South many members of the party, disgusted at the predicament in which they found themselves, threw in their lot with the Republicans.

Then when the isolation ended, and society became complex, and men had to adjust themselves closely to one another, the democrat spent his time trying to devise more perfect units of voting, in the hope that somehow he would, as Mr. Cole says, "get the mechanism right, and adjust it as far as possible to men's social wills."

They decided that he should be abolished; but, as they couldn't get out an injunction against him, and as he had the whole undignified but still voting black belt behind him, he went serenely on his way. "They're after you hot and heavy, Asbury," said one of his friends to him. "Oh, yes," was the reply, "they're after me, but after a while I'll get so far away that they'll be running in front."

The stores were closed, business of all kinds suspended; while the streets were black with men hurrying to the polls. At twelve o'clock the American flag was hoisted on the Exchange, when the building became deserted, and all gathered at the places where the voting was going on.

This resolution was passed by a unanimous vote of the Senate, and would have been sent to the President, but that word came from the House of Representatives that that body had passed a resolution voting $200,000. The Senate immediately recalled its resolution, altered it to agree with that from the House, and passing it promptly, sent it to the President, who signed it without delay.

Let me remark, however, that I am happy to be able to inform you, that this delusion at least in my own State is fast passing away; and that thousands of the abolitionists who, in voting last Autumn for Gov. Marey or Gov.

If the new agriculturist was meant to be an element of strength to the Roman State, to save it from the selfishness of a narrow oligarchy, the instability of a city mob and the corruption of both, to defend the conquests which the city had won or to push her empire further, it was necessary to prove that he could be of utility both as a voting unit and as a soldier in the legions.