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"'Now, I see, said Alex, as he shook hands and started home, 'Vot you vanted mit dot udder cart." Strategy will win out in business, but not deception. The traveling man who wishes to win in the race of commerce, if he plays sharp tricks, will get left at the quarter post.

"It iss not seemly und proper dot ven a feller is telling a nice girl vot he dinks of her, dot he should be upset head ofer heels alretty yet; ain't it?" "It certainly is," agreed Miss Dixon, a little spasm of pain flitting across her face as she limped to one side.

"And you say you think you know who the murderer is?" "V-y no, sir, from conclusions as I've drawed I'm sure and sartin 'oo did the deed. But come, sir, vot do you say to a glass o' the Vun and Only, to drink a quick despatch to the guilty party?" But the clock striking eight, Barnabas shook his head and rose. "Thank you, but I must be going," said he. "V'y if you must, you must," sighed Mr.

"And why not, my good woman?" "Lor' love you, marm, if that curril could speak, who knows vot it might say, eh, lad, who knows? You sees, marm, my good man had not a long been dead; I could not a get no vork no vays. 'Becky Carruthers, says I, 'you must go out in the streets a begging! I niver thought I should a come to that.

Martin Culpepper threw up his hat five times before a bullet hit it; but he went bareheaded the rest of the day, and John Barclay, in sheer fear, began to dig a hole under him. After he had been on his belly for an hour, Henry Schnitzler got tired and rose. The men begged him to lie down. But his only reply when they told him he was a fool was, "Vell, vot of it?"

"The dickens you say," said she as she drew her revolver, and sung out, "let go that horse," and firing at the German. "Kritz-dunnerwetter," said the German, as he got down by the horse's fore feet, and held on to the bridle, "vot vor you choot a man ven he holt your horse?" "Madame," I said, "your revolver is loaded with blank cartridges, and you can do no harm. Try another one on the Irishman."

You know dem cups and saucers vat I bought off dot olt vomans who came up from Baltimore? Do you know dot two of 'em is vorth more as ten dollars? He find dot out joost as soon as he pick 'em up, and he find out about my chairs, and vich vas fakes and vich vas goot. Vot you tink of my givin' him a job takin' my old cups and my soup tureens and stuff and go sell 'em someveres?

He laid the money and Fred's receipt upon the table and set Patsy's plate over them to hold them safe against the wind that rattled the shack. He had forgotten all about the three approaching riders, until Patsy turned upon him sharply. "Vot schrapes you been into now?" he demanded querulously. "Py cosh you done somet'ings. It's der conshtable comin' alreatty. I bet you be pinched."

I guess ve buy her sometings putty vot you like to have, Beesvings? Or maybe you like to go to de teater vid Auntie Gossburger. I get de tickets." The child disengaged her hand from O'Day's arm, pushed back her hair and tiptoed to her father.

"Might I jest take a peep at that theer letter, v'ere it says seven-thirty, sir?" "Yes," said Barnabas, pointing to a certain line of Cleone's letter, "here it is!" "Ah," exclaimed Mr. Shrig, nodding and rubbing his hands again, "your eyes is good 'uns, ain't they, sir?" "Yes." "Then jest take a good look at that theer seven-thirty, vill you, sir come, vot do you see?"