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But, in spite of this surveillance, her life was so largely in the world that it was a mystery when she did her voluminous work. Of winning temper and pleasing address, with this full equipment of knowledge and imagination, versatility and ambition, she was at an early period domesticated in the family of Mme. de Rambouillet as the friend and companion of Julie d'Angennes.

The body of this wave is still substantially of the same nature as it was at first; for though in each of these multitudinous experiences a special set of facial and vocal signs has been connected with a special set of pleasures or pains; yet since these pleasures or pains have been immensely varied in their kinds and combinations, and since the signs that preceded them were in no two cases quite alike, it results that even to the end the consciousness produced remains as vague as it is voluminous.

He joined the Baptists, and began preaching, for at length, after many tribulations, he says, "the burden fell from off his back." Here he wrote what Macaulay declares to be incomparably the finest allegory in the English language the Pilgrim's Progress. He was a voluminous author, having written some sixty tracts and books.

For utility makes beauty, and eyes bulging out from the head like his are the most advantageous for seeing; nostrils wide and open to the air, like his, most appropriate for smell; and a mouth large and voluminous, like his, best fitted for both eating and kissing. Now since these things are, in fact, hideous, the theory that shows they ought to be beautiful, is vain and ridiculous.

Augustine, when the Reverend Mother entered. She seemed to Evelyn even smaller than she had done on the first occasion they had met; she seemed lost in the voluminous grey habit, and the long, light veil floated in the wind of her quick step. "I'm glad you were able to come so soon. All the sisters are anxious to meet you, you who have done so much for us."

He sat stolidly on as if he were glued to his chair, smoking one cigarette after another. At last he got up. Surely he would go now. He walked to the bookshelves that lined the walls, inspected the books, selected one, and settled himself with a voluminous sigh in his arm-chair once more. Wentworth stole away across the grass as noiselessly as he had come, and disappeared in the darkness.

Southworth is it possible that anywhere else in the world there is a complete collection of that lady's voluminous productions? but beside them stood the Elizabethan dramatists and a translation of Dante.

In person, Mrs General, including her skirts which had much to do with it, was of a dignified and imposing appearance; ample, rustling, gravely voluminous; always upright behind the proprieties. She might have been taken had been taken to the top of the Alps and the bottom of Herculaneum, without disarranging a fold in her dress, or displacing a pin.

Cases holding voluminous records were ranged upon their walls; maps, charts, even paintings and drawings, as made by the arriving spirits hung upon the walls, and in broad albums were gathered the portraits, in small size, of the incarnated persons.

And this is perhaps as convenient a place as any to discuss that undertone of deprecation which runs through all the voluminous discourse in defense or in laudation of athletic sports, as well as of other activities of a predominantly predatory character.