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The second prize was awarded to one of the girls. As she has no part in our story, we need say nothing more on this point. At recess, Frank's desk was surrounded by his schoolmates, who were desirous of examining the prize volumes. All expressed hearty good-will, congratulating him on his success, with the exception of John Haynes.

"It isn't like that, of course," said Marian feebly. "It will be your own room, and you are a grown-up lady who can do as you please. I suppose it is only children who don't dare to do things like moving pictures and putting flower-pots on the window-sills when they are freshly painted." Miss Dorothy's merry laugh rang out. "Oh, you dear, transparent baby. You've spoken volumes in that speech.

Forbear, said Nemesis, my loss to moan, The FAINTING TREMBLING HAND was mine alone. The beauty of this passage, which consists in the appropriation made by Nemesis of the line originally directed to Cynthia, had been wholly imperceptible to succeeding ages, had chance, which has destroyed so many greater volumes, deprived us likewise of the poems of Tibullus. No. 62.

"I love you so horribly, that it is pain and anguish to me to be with you, for then I feel that when I leave you I am ready to die of longing and misery." "Well?" she utters in a very low voice, bending her eyes on the ground. It is only one little word, but it speaks such volumes! "Why should you leave me?" it says. "Is it not my case, too? What need you more than speak!"

"Now, Angela, read a little." "What shall I read?" "Oh! anything you like; please yourself." Thus enjoined, she went to a bookshelf, and, taking down two volumes, handed one to Mr. Fraser, and then, opening her copy at haphazard, announced the page to her companion, and, sitting down, began to read.

He went out not at all that winter, and the work progressed steadily, and was complete by the following May . Meantime, during his trip around the world, Mark Twain's publishers had issued two volumes of his work the "Joan of Arc" book, and another "Tom Sawyer" book, the latter volume combining two rather short stories, "Tom Sawyer Abroad," published serially in St.

This was followed by two volumes of poetry: 'Les Poemes Dores' , and 'Les Noces Corinthiennes' . With the last mentioned book his reputation became established. Anatole France belongs to the class of poets known as "Les Parnassiens."

But when they do occur they are fully as graphic and more definitely and distinctively localizing. Next in importance to the face comes the hand, and volumes have been written upon this alone.

There are those who term Kinglake's volumes romance rather than history or, more mildly, the romance of history. But this is unjust and untrue. It would be impertinent to speak of his style; that gift apart, his quest for accurate information was singularly painstaking, searching, and scrupulous. Yet it cannot be said that he was always well served.

But, my dear, an university education is indispensable Do but see how the signs of it follow a gentleman through life, to say nothing of the valuable acquaintances and lasting friendships he makes there: even those few distinguished persons who have risen in the would without it, have openly regretted the want, and have sent their children: and that says volumes to me."