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Having only visualized the world in international terms during two short decades, there has been no time for a proper tradition to be created by the civil government of Japan; and because there is no such tradition, the island empire of the East has no true foreign policy and is at the mercy of manufactured crises, being too often committed to petty adventures which really range her on the side of those in Europe the Allies have set themselves to destroy.

"You have promised to go back to England if you find undeniable proof that Michael and Millicent were together in the desert." "Yes, I promise. I will go back to the old life, which seems like a dream." Meg gave a little shiver as she visualized her old-world Suffolk home and the narrowness of her life there. "Any old place would do, chum, to bury myself in if my heart was broken."

Though she read correctly the child's real shrinking from the thought of being the cynosure of many amused eyes, she felt herself helpless. That one odd pair of shoes in the company of participating children! In imagination Miss Smithson visualized the unsuccessful efforts of their owner to hide them, to find her place in the background.

He appeared before her, in that fleeting moment of impersonal vision, strangely objective, as completely and acutely visualized as though she had looked upon him for the first time.

Mother's out, and I've been taking care of the twins. Just rescued the cat from being dumped head down in the flour barrel." "Sounds natural," laughed the dark-haired, pink-cheeked one, as she visualized Mollie's little brother and sister, Dodo and Paul. They were twins, and always in trouble. "Anything special you called up about?" asked Mollie's voice from the other end of the wire.

But gardens are different you cannot make grass and flowers grow just so on short notice! You plant and dig and plant again, before things grow as you have visualized them. There was a double ring of trees in one corner of our domain, enclosing the salle de verdure, or outdoor drawing-room.

They had a proposition to make, and they lost no time in putting it before me. If I gave up my preaching they would send me to college and pay for my entire course. They suggested Ann Arbor, and Ann Arbor tempted me sorely; but to descend from the pulpit I had at last entered the pulpit I had visualized in all my childish dreams was not to be considered.

The first, they came forth from the earth under their umbels of ivory to find out whether the feet of the hedge were still surrounded by moss. They must have been deceived. They could not have seen the periwinkles or the violets, but only the irritating and fine gray rain in the gray sky. Often I have visualized Heaven for myself.

"I must have you," he said, with dead simplicity, as one states a bare, essential fact. Then Bonbright was visualized before him, and rage flooded once more. "He sha'n't keep you!... You're mine you were mine first.... What is he to you? I'm going to take you away from him.... I can do THAT...." He was less dangerous so.

Now and again, carried away by the history of things remembered, she visualized scenes for him with the ardour of an artist and a lover of created things. He realized how powerful a hold the old life still had upon her.