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Monsieur the Viscount's last will and testament was with difficulty squeezed into the surface of the larger of the stones. Then he hid it where the priest had hid his bequest long ago, and then lay down to dream of Monsieur the Preceptor, and that they had met at last. The next day was one of anxious suspense.

The viscount's apprehensions had been entirely dispelled; and the marquis had quite forgotten the twinges of pain in his injured limb. "Marguerite will only leave prison to marry me," said M. de Valorsay, triumphantly; and he added: "What a willing tool this Wilkie is! A single word sufficed to make him give all his servants leave of absence.

Anthony's fire broke out on the royal legs; there was no hurry for the presentation of the young lord at Court, or that person who should appear under his name; and my Lord Viscount's wound breaking out opportunely, he was kept conveniently in his chamber until such time as his physician would allow him to bend his knee before the Queen.

"Oh, Bev," he groaned, "my game arm, ye know. Hold me up, I " "Dick!" cried Barnabas, supporting the Viscount's writhing figure, "oh, Dick it was meant for me! Are you much hurt?" "No nothing to mention, my dear fellow. Comes a bit sharp at first, y' know, better in a minute or two." "Dick Dick, what can I do for you?"

In the general joy Valentine was not forgotten, the aged Count renewing to her the expression of his gratitude he had previously made to her husband in her behalf. It was ultimately arranged that the marriage contract should be signed within a week, and this formality was complied with in the presence of many of the young Viscount's relatives, of Monte-Cristo, Mercédès, M. and Mme.

"Because of Clemency, Dick?" "Well and why not?" "The Earl of Bamborough's son fight a duel over the chambermaid of a hedge tavern!" The Viscount's handsome face grew suddenly red, and as suddenly pale again, and his eyes glowed as he fronted Barnabas across the hearth. "Mr. Beverley," said he very quietly, "how am I to take that?"

When Pen and his young lady met the Viscount's party, that noble poor only gave Arthur a passing leer of recognition as his lordship's eyes passed from Pen's face under the bonnet of Pen's companion. But Tom Tufthunt wagged his head very good-naturedly at Mr. Arthur, and said, "How are you, old boy?" and looked extremely knowing at the godfather of this history.

Lady Bellair, after the London season, always spent two or three months at Bath, and then proceeded to her great grandson's, the present viscount's, seat in the North, where she remained until London was again attractive.

There were a bundle of papers here, too, which no doubt had been left at Holt's last visit to the place, in my Lord Viscount's life, that very day when the priest had been arrested and taken to Hexham Castle.

"Well," said I, "I hope you may be able to give a fair account of me sober, steady, industrious, good-tempered, and with a first-rate character from my last place?" He laughed an embarrassed laugh. "Your hair curls beautiful," he said, by way of changing the subject. "The Viscount's the boy for curls, though; and the richness of it is, Mr.