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"Thank you; but I never go out to parties." "But bad precedents must not guide you any longer. If you persist in staying at home, I shall not enjoy the evening, for in every dance I shall fancy my vis-a-vis your spectre, with an exercise in one hand and a Hebrew grammar in the other. A propos! Mr. Hammond told me to say that he would not expect you to-day, but would meet you to-night at Mrs.

The two colonial candlesticks stood in the centre of the table, a foot or two apart. When Gwynne lifted his head after "grace," he looked directly between them at his vis-a-vis. For a few seconds he stared as if spell-bound.

"But anyhow, I can talk to you frankly. I'm not married." "I thought as much," she said, as he paused. "And I'm not married because I have never been able to make up my mind just what to do about it. When I first met Jennie I thought her the most entrancing girl I had ever laid eyes on." "That speaks volumes for my charms at that time," interrupted his vis-a-vis.

He was conversing in an animated whisper with a companion, a fellow-officer; they were talking about what it is far better not to women. Our friend clearly did not wish to be overheard; for he cast ever and anon a furtive glance at his fair vis-a-vis and lowered his voice. She seemed completely absorbed in her book, and that reassured him. "Done, done!"

I shall have use enough for it later on, in the mountains. You can smell it a mile away, it has been pickled so well." Again there was a short pause, and then after gazing intently at his vis-a-vis, Heideck suddenly said "You are an officer?" Without being able to collect himself the Russian stared into his face. "Let us be candid with each other," he rejoined, after long reflection.

The Mandatory attempted, but in vain, to redress the injury done to the petitioners by using the means of influence at its disposal under the régime set up by the 1922 Treaty vis-á-vis King Feisal and the ‘Iráq Government.

In spite of this precaution the Vicomte found great difficulty in getting a third wife especially as he had no actual land and visible income; was, not seamed, but ploughed up, with the small-pox; small of stature, and was considered more than un peu bete. He was, however, a prodigious dandy, and wore a lace frill and embroidered waistcoat. Mr. Love's vis-a-vis was Mr.

Wrenn did not see that she was glancing about discontentedly, for he was delightedly listening to a lanky young man at the next table who was remarking to his vis-a-vis, a pale slithey lady in black, with the lines of a torpedo-boat: "Try some of the stuffed vine-leaves, child of the angels, and some wheat pilaf and some bourma.

In fact I hardly knew myself for joy and could not think whence I derived such case and confidence and even daring. "Nothing in the world can abash me now," I thought as I wandered carelessly about the salon. "I am ready for anything." Just then Seriosha came and requested me to be his vis-a-vis. "Very well," I said. "I have no partner as yet, but I can soon find one."

He talked pleasantly to his vis-a-vis. The Corporal, a trifle abashed at first, listened deferentially, but as the good food enlivened him he ceased to be abashed and became cordial. From cordial he became affable, from affable affectionate, and from affectionate he passed to that degree of friendship in which you lean across the dinner-table, tap a man on the shoulder and call him "old pal."