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She was eating her horse as though she had been "poor but honest" all her life; and as I watched her washing the noble steed down with a pint of vin ordinaire, I realized the alteration which this siege was effecting in the condition of all classes.

Lanley of the delight of bestowing a benefit, but gave him a faint sense of capture. In the drawing-room Mathilde was looking from one to the other of her natural guardians, like a well-trained puppy who wants to be fed. She wanted Pete praised. Instead, Adelaide said: "Really, papa is growing too secretive! Do you know, Vin, he and Mrs.

"He probably hasn't the slightest wish to see Mathilde alone. They both struck me as sorry when I left them; they were running down. You can't imagine, Vin, how little romance there is among all these young people." "They leave it to us," he answered.

Five minutes later, in a wine-shop near the harbour, he was sipping the first glass of a bottle of cheap but comforting vin ordinaire while he explained to the interested proprietor, by means of a mixture of English, broken French, and gestures that he had been helping to chase a thief, but had been forced by fatigue to retire prematurely for refreshment.

"'Avez-vous du vin? yes." "And I think I also have a hazy recollection of the French equivalents for bread and butter and cheese and meat. We shan't starve besides, I think Mr. Royce can help. He's been to France." "Of course and here he comes to claim his chair." "I won't permit him to claim it if you'll use it a little longer," I protested. "Oh, but I must be going," and she arose, laughing.

If you’d only left it all to me——” “Left it to you! Yes, I left too moch to you! Traitor, it vas a trick to vin ze Lady Alicia for yourself! Speak to me nevermore!” And with that the infuriated nobleman rushed off to his own room.

"Vin et Venus" she had always been accustomed to see worshiped together, as became their alliterative; it was a bit of fun that was all. A passion that had pain in it had never touched the Little One; she had disdained it with the lightest, airiest contumely. "If your sweetmeat has a bitter almond in it, eat the sugar and throw the almond away, you goose! That is simple enough, isn't it? Bah?

"Here, Sir Count, I drink to the health of the noble Duke of Burgundy, our kind and loving cousin. Oliver, replenish yon golden cup with Vin de Rheims, and give it to the Count on your knee he represents our loving brother. My Lord Cardinal, we will ourself fill your cup."

Evidently the breakfast was too important and the expected fee too large to intrust it to an underling. He must serve it himself. Up to this Moment no portion of my order had materialized. No cover for one, nor filet, nor vin ordinaire, nor waiter had appeared. The painter was growing impatient. The man inside was becoming hungry.

Sometimes it was usually at déjeûner when he had dined out on the previous evening he would demand the wine-list of Iorson, and rejecting the vin blanc or vin rouge which, being compris, contented the others, would order himself something of a choice brand. One of his favourite papers was Le Rire, and Henri, Iorson's youthful assistant, regarded him with admiration.