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If Evasio Mon's face said anything at all, it warned the world that it had to deal with a man of perfect self-control. And the man who controls himself is usually able to control just so much of his surrounding world as may suit his purpose. There was something in the set of this man's eyes which suggested no easy victory over self. For his eyes were close together. His hair was almost red.

Is this the reward of victory for our striving and our long wrestling?"

Nevertheless Maximus, a grandson of the victor of Pydna, achieved a decisive victory, which, as the bridge of boats broke down under the mass of the fugitives, ended in the destruction of the greater part of the Arvernian army.

In just the same way the victory over Crassus is afterwards attributed to the Armenians.

The man went out, as if with reluctance. Valentine turned to the doctor. "We spoke about soul that is, will just now," he said. "To deny the will is death, despite Schopenhauer. Death? Worse than death cowardice. To assert the will is life and victory. With each assertion a man steps nearer to a god.

The victory of Zurich, although, it prevented the advance of the enemy into the country, gave the Directory only a momentary respite. The government was everywhere crumbling; no one had confidence in it.

After a considerable delay, during which daily skirmishes passed between the adverse parties, Giron resolved to make a night attack upon the camp of the royalists, confiding in the prediction of some wise old woman, that he was to gain the victory at that place.

It is perhaps not wonderful that veterans should have looked at him askance, and I would not think of them too harshly. He doubtless made mistakes, as what man would not have done? yet I believe that not even the first captain of the empire could have snatched victory from odds so desperate. In the many summer evenings which followed, I played the part of that broken soldier, who, as Mr.

The eighth day of the German offensive, far from finding the Huns victorious, resulted in tremendous attacks by the Germans being stopped by the unbeatable British, while the French won a brilliant victory at the south of the line.

The first of May, 1863, the Army of the Potomac under Hooker met the Army of Northern Virginia under Lee and Jackson, near Chancellorsville, Virginia. It was here that Jackson executed his brilliant and successful flank movement around the Union right, ensuring a victory for his side but losing his own life. The news of this fresh disaster was an almost stunning shock to President Lincoln.