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It brought in, on the glitter of sun, all the shrill crisp morning noises those piercing notes of the American thoroughfare that seem to take a sharper vibration from the clearness of the medium through which they pass. Betton raised himself languidly. That was the voice of Fifth Avenue below his windows.

The different parts of the framework, tossed and teased by the eddying air-currents, cannot fail to transmit their vibration to the signalling-thread. Nevertheless, the Spider does not quit her hut and remains indifferent to the commotion prevailing in the net.

I ask his forgiveness. What glass there is here! what mirrors! Why am I not a millionaire! ... Next year let us all take a summer cottage in Venice. The air is full of the vibration of church bells: my dear Tunguses, let us all embrace Catholicism. If only you knew how lovely the organs are in the churches, what sculptures there are here, what Italian women on their knees with prayer-books!

A trembling of the ground, and quick vibration in his ears; a distant shriek; a dull light advancing, quickly changed to two red eyes, and a fierce fire, dropping glowing coals; an irresistible bearing on of a great roaring and dilating mass; a high wind, and a rattle another come and gone, and he holding to a gate, as if to save himself! He waited for another, and for another.

"I have a higher ambition in life than to settle down to take care of Absalom Puntz!" said Tillie, fire in her soft eyes, and an unwonted vibration in her gentle voice. "My credulity was an insult to you!" "Absalom did not mean to tell you a lie. He has made up his mind to have me, so he thinks it is all as good as settled.

Then for a few minutes he waited in a small office where the jar of machinery and the whirr of wheels caused a monotonous and unceasing vibration. Presently a giant foreman with sleeves rolled to the elbow came hurrying out. He regarded Pierre with surprise. "They told me that one of our silk-growers wanted to see me," faltered he uncertainly. "There has doubtless been some mistake.

Round these are supposed to hover boys, compositors, porters, famous contributors and timid aspirants, and in the underground distance is the roar and vibration of vast steam machines which disgorge papers more quickly than one can count. The reality is perhaps different from this picture how different the aspirant will realise when she has at last obtained a position in an office.

If there were no atoms, there would be no gravitation, for that is the attraction of atoms upon each other. If there were no atoms, there could be no atomic vibration, therefore no heat, and so on for each and all. Nevertheless, if an atom be the embodiment of energy, there must have been energy in the ether before any atom existed.

The wires carried off the worst of the vibration." "I wish we could afford to equip our silk-house that way," said Marie. "Just wait until we get rich. Maybe some day we can," answered Pierre gaily. Fortunately for the Brettons' silkworms, however, no electrical storm came.

On the tracks the cars were burning briskly. Presently it could also be seen that the south end of the roof was bending of its own weight. It bent first just a little then more. Then for a long moment it hung motionless, or with but the faintest quiver of vibration.