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"But vhen ve comes to overhaul ourselfs ve found dot our hands and faces vas badly skinned by our fall outside dot cave, und our hair and beards, as vell as our clothes, vas singed vhere ve had shoomped through the fire." "Indeed!" said I. "That was certainly remarkable if you are both quite sure you did not imagine those very peculiar happenings."

Py dat time he vos vhistling and singin' alretty, like nodings efer happen. Ve had de big fire roarin', I tell you, and vhen I say again he safe my life he yoost laugh like it is a fine yoke an' say: 'Oh, shut up, Stefan, ve're a pair big fools to get upset, anyvays. And some tay you do yoost same ting for me, I bet. And now now I can do nodings nodings at all."

"It is one of the mysteries of the grand designs of Providence, that men should exist in conditions so widely distant from each other," said John Effingham abruptly, "with a common nature that can be so much varied by circumstances. It is almost humiliating to find one's-self a man, vhen beings like these Arabs are to be classed as fellows."

"All dthose burrs on your dress make bleed," he says, looking a bit ruefully at his finger-tips, sore and red, and one stained a little where some obstinate briar or needle has drawn the blood. "Oh! what a shame!" I take the shapely hand in mine and look compassionately at the hurt fingers. "I feel it not, Blanca, vhen you hold it so!"

Then he got on the thing and the animals galloped away. A few minutes later he returned, with her small trunk lashed to the back part of the sled. He entered the house and took a straw-filled pillow and a huge bearskin and bore them out. In the meanwhile Mrs. Olsen was helping Madge to resume her outlandish garb. "Mebbe Mr. Ennis he not know you vhen you come so all wrapped up.

"Dat ist de price to anudder," said the gallant trinket-dealer; "but dat ist not de price to you, Miss Opportunity. Ve shall trafel togedder; ant vhen ve gets to your coontry, you vill dell me de best houses vhere I might go mit my vatches ant drinkets." "That I will; and get you in at the Nest House, in the bargain," cried Opportunity, pocketing the pencil without further parley.

Stefan, returning, was hailed at the door of the store by Sophy McGurn. "Who's the strange lady, Stefan?" she asked, most innocently. "It's a leddy vhat is expectin' Hugo Ennis," he answered. "How queer!" said the girl, airily. "Ay dunno," answered the Swede. "Vhen Hugo he do a thing it ain't nefer qveer, Ay tank." She turned away and Stefan stepped over to the depot and opened the door.

Deliberately he wraps the pearl in one of the tissue leaves, and, looking steadily at me, pushes the new treasure far into a corner of the crested case. There is more significance than mirth in the laugh with which he says: "I vill show all unbeliefers dthat I know how to value and to keep a pearl vhen I find von." Mrs.

Will you take me to Carcajou in good time? I can't afford to miss it. Too many needing me just now east of here!" "Ay, I take you if Hugo he no worse. But if tings is goin' wrong, I'll let Papineau do it. I I can't leaf no more. Vhen I starts from here I tank I can't stand it a moment but vhen I get off on de road, I gets grazy to come back. I I don't know vhat I vants!"

Vhen a man canst bay his debts in vhat he makes himself, he ist ferry interpentent." "It does seem so, I vow! Yet there's folks about here, and some at Albany, that call it feudal for a man to have to carry a pair of fowls to the landlord's office, and the landlord an aristocrat for asking it!" "But der man canst sent a poy, or a gal, or a nigger, wid his fowls, if he bleases?"