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"When we have left this bed of lava behind us. How could springs break through such walls as these?" "But perhaps this passage runs to a very great depth. It seems to me that we have made no great progress vertically." "Why do you suppose that?" "Because if we had gone deep into the crust of earth, we should have encountered greater heat." "According to your system," said my uncle.

"How hot it be, Master Bob!" said Dick, when the sun had climbed so high that he seemed right overhead, sending down his rays vertically and making it so warm that the boys began to perspire, while they were tormented with thirst. "I be parched wi' drout and could swaller a gallon o' spring wutter if I hed the chance!" "I say, let us have a swim," suggested Bob.

The vast amount of subsidence, both horizontally or in area, and vertically or in depth, necessary to have submerged every mountain, even the highest, throughout the immense spaces of ocean interspersed with atolls, will probably strike most people as a formidable objection to my theory.

Owing to the great range of vision afforded by a seaplane, both horizontally and vertically, owing also to its considerable speed and ease of maneuvering, marine aeroplanes have proven formidable foes for submarines, which they can easily overtake and destroy with bombs.

As I thought, I ran to an open space which commanded a view of the farmhouse. Scarcely had I reached it before my eyes were blinded for a second by what seemed a ball of intense burning light shot vertically into the devoted home. "O God!" I gasped, "it is the day of fate." For a moment I seemed paralyzed, but the igniting roof beside the chimney roused me at once. "Reuben!" I shouted.

Its abnormality lay in a hilt of smooth white ivory set horizontally and not vertically to the blade, as is a rule with most knives. Foyle carried it in the palm of his hand nearer to the light and squinted at it from various angles. One at least of the observers guessed his purpose. But the detective seemed dissatisfied. "Can't see anything," he grumbled peevishly. "Ah, there you are, Grant.

The narrow opening prevents it from moving off in a landslip, but an oozing spring rises at that spot. All the pools in the lower portion of this spring-course are filled by the first rains, which happen south of the equator when the sun goes vertically over any spot.

In another moment we had emerged upon a sort of slanting gallery, that projected into a vast circular space, a huge cylindrical pit running vertically up and down. Round this pit the slanting gallery ran without any parapet or protection for a turn and a half, and then plunged high above into the rock again.

They are connected on either side by the right and left sympathetic nerves which extend vertically from ganglion to ganglion. The sympathetic ganglia receive nerves from the central division of the nervous system, but connect with glands, blood vessels, and the intestinal walls through fibers from their own cell-bodies.

Their results are not yet completely reduced, but the best value deduced so far for the parallax is 8".807 +/ 0".0028. It consisted of a graduated metal circle, suspended by a ring which was passed over the thumb, and hung vertically. A pointer was fixed to a pin at the centre. This arm, called the alhidada, worked round the graduated circle, and was pointed to the sun.