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"I've been talking to the man who brought the letter, and he says that Lord Tulli I mean the Baron declares positively that he is a German nobleman!" "Tuts, fiddlesticks!" scoffed her father. "Verra like a whale," pronounced the sage. "I wouldn't believe what HE said," declared Mrs. Gallosh. "One can SEE he isn't," said Mrs. Rentoul.

You could hae taen your Bible oath sometimes, when you were readin him, that he had a sowl a human sowl a sowl to be saved but then, heaven preserve us! in the verra middle aiblins o' a paragraph, he grew transformed afore your verra face into something bestial, you heard a grunt that made ye grue, and there was an ill smell in the room, as frae a pluff o' sulphur. April, 1827. Shepherd.

"Awfu' English an' wi' a' the queer daft ways o' gentry. 'Oh, Miss Bathgate, a' the time. They tell me Miss Reston's considered a beauty in London. It's no' ma idea o' beauty a terrible lang neck an' a wee shilpit bit face, an' sic a height! I'm fair feared for ma gasaliers. An' forty if she's a day. But verra pleasant, ye ken.

The Briefless one, entering the smoking-room, lifted a chair and let it fall again with a crash, and sitting down upon it, crossed his legs and rang the bell. "Ye're doing it verra weel," remarked approvingly the Wee Laddie. "Ye're just fitted for it by nature." "Fitted for what?" demanded the Briefless one, waking up apparently from a dream.

Juno him get away from me I chase after I catch. Excuse, please." "That's all right," said Betty, pleasantly. "We were frightened for a minute." "Verra sorry. Juno made the dance for the ladies!" He blew some notes on a battered brass horn, and began some foreign words in a sing-song tone, at which the bear moved clumsily about on its hind feet. "Juno kiss!" the man cried.

We hae to dra' the line somewhere, and I dra' it low enough, but she wis far below that. Eh, she's jist terrible! Wishart has a sister in Glasgae verra weel to do, an' I h'ard him say he'd gie the lassie to her if it wer na for the wife.

"This is the verra place for me, mem," said Malcolm, reissuing; "that is," he added, "gien ye dinna think it's ower gran' for the likes o' me 'at 's no been used to onything half sae guid." "You're quite welcome to it," said Mrs Courthope, all but confident he would not care to occupy it after hearing the tale of Lord Gernon.

"Ay, sir, but he winned the game, an' that's aye a loss for Geordie; he aye tak's himsel' to the tavern when he wins. Oh, sir, ma hairt's fair broken; it's a twalmonth this verra nicht sin' oor wee Jessie dee'd, an' I was aye lippenin' to that to bring him till himsel'; but he seems waur nor ever he seeks to droon his sorrow wi' the drink."

Then he stationed himself in Petticoat Lane, crying, in his imperfect English, "Lemans, verra good lemans, two a penny each, two a penny each!" Malka did not have long to wait for her liege lord. He was a fresh-colored young man of thirty, rather good-looking, with side whiskers, keen, eager glance, and an air of perpetually doing business.

It ees a good head you have verra good," murmured Captain Villaire. "Do you know, I heara dem talk about you?" "Did you? What did they say?" "De one boy say you should be in ze jail; didn't you robba somebody." "He had better keep his mouth shut." "You lika do somet'ing wid me?" continued the French native, closing one eye suggestively.