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Ann Veronica shrugged her shoulders. "Very well," said her father. "I think this ends the business," he said, turning to his sister. "It's not for us to supplicate any more. She must learn wisdom as God pleases." "But, my dear Peter!" said Miss Stanley. "No," said her brother, conclusively, "it's not for a parent to go on persuading a child." Miss Stanley rose and regarded Ann Veronica fixedly.

"I never thought it wrong to be curious about the old place; I never thought it wrong to be curious about its mysteries. I only considered it wrong, or at all events ill judged, to annoy Veronica, in regard to them, or to trouble her in any way about the means by which I might effect an entrance into its walls. So I took the one that offered and said nothing.

"Look here," he cried out of a silence, with a sudden flash of understanding, "did you mean to throw me over when you came out with me this afternoon?" Ann Veronica hesitated, and with a startled mind realized the truth. "No," she answered, reluctantly. "Very well," said Manning. "Then I don't take this as final. That's all. I've bored you or something.... You think you love this other man!

Her habit was held in at the waist by a leather girdle; it looked as though it might slip any moment over the slight, boyish hips, and by her side hung a rosary of large black beads. Sister Veronica warned Evelyn that she must be careful how she went down the staircase, as it was very slippery.

He has tried in Ann Veronica and again with a more delicate probe in Marriage and The Passionate Friends to touch the hidden thing that is causing all this surface inflammation.

For Taquisara and Don Teodoro knew, each knowing also that the other knew, that what Veronica believed to have been done that day had not been really done, save in the intention, and that what had really been done must by Church law and right be undone before she could be truly married to Gianluca della Spina. That is to say, if the thing done had any value whatsoever before God and man.

He had been a prisoner at the time he had died in Spain, I think. When Ralph made the grand tour, he had made the acquaintance of his Spanish relations; he used to talk about them, the Riegos, and Veronica used to talk of what he said of them until they came to stand for Romance, the romance of the outer world, to me.

Indeed, as time went on and a further investigation was made into the life and character of these two brothers, I came to think that not only had the unhappy Veronica mistaken the person of Wallace Pfeiffer for that of her husband William, but also the nature of the message he sent her and the motives which actuated it; that the interview he so peremptorily demanded before she descended to her nuptials would, had she but understood it properly, have yielded her an immeasurable satisfaction instead of rousing in her alarmed breast the criminal instincts of her race; that it was meant to do this; that he, knowing William's secret a secret which the latter naturally would confide to him at a moment so critical as that which witnessed their parting in the desolate Klondike pass had come, not to reproach her with her new nuptials, but to relieve her mind in case she cherished the least doubt of her full right to marry again, by assurances of her husband's death and of her own complete freedom.

She looked at the girls closely, to see if by any chance Veronica were among them, but she was not. "Where's Veronica?" she asked in a voice which she hoped sounded idle and casual. "Gone up to her room to lie down a while," replied Nyoda. "She got a headache from the sun. She asked to be left undisturbed until dinner time." "Come on and help pick raspberries," said Nyoda.

Besides, they are coming, the Duca, the Duchessa, and Don Gianluca, and that ends the matter." "Nevertheless " began Don Teodoro, still obstinately unwilling to retract his word. "Dear friend," interrupted Veronica, with sudden gentleness, for she was fond of him, "I like you very much. I respect you immensely. I could not do half I am doing without you. But you do not quite understand me.