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Then he told me that his sister had gone to New Brunswick to teach French seven years ago, and that he had followed, that, when he was old enough, he had taken out his naturalization papers, and become a British subject in order to take up government land; that he had a wheat farm in Northern Canada one hundred and sixty acres, all under cultivation; that he was twenty when the war broke out, and that he had enlisted at once; that he had been wounded on the Somme, and came out of the hospital just in season to go through the hard days at Verdun.

The motives for the Allies' projected offensive on the Somme were to weaken the German pressure on Verdun, which had become severe in June, and to prevent the transference of large bodies of troops from the west to the eastern front where they might endanger the plans of General Brussilov.

I sent someone over to Quincy at once to see if it was true, and word came back that Captain Norton's American Corps Sanitaire forty men who have been with this same division, the 31st Corps for many months had arrived from Verdun with the 65th Regiment, and was to follow it into action when it advanced again.

Some desperate German counterattacks were met at Rheims and south of Verdun, but they achieved small success beyond creating a sharp salient in their line at St.

And about the same time the French king had received a letter from Margaret, announcing her departure from the castle of Verdun for Tours, where she prayed him to meet her forthwith, and stating that she had received from England tidings that might change all her schemes, and more than ever forbid the possibility of a reconciliation with the Earl of Warwick.

"See how kind fate is to me," he added; "only one thing was missing from the feast the presence of the ladies and here you are." It would need the brush of Rembrandt to paint the dining-hall in the citadel of Verdun. At one long table in the dimly lighted vault sat between eighty and ninety officers, who all rose, saluted, and cheered as we entered.

He took a few steps under the arcade, saying to himself: "Punctual to the tick and in uniform! The meeting should come off all right this time!" A delicately gloved hand was placed on his shoulder, and a voice said: "My dear Corporal! How are you?" Fandor-Vinson turned sharply and faced a priest!... He recognised the abbé. It was he of the Verdun motor-car. "Very well!

This is the time of year that in peace times I should have been staying in the country with my mother-in-law." There is no talk of peace in Verdun. I asked one of the men when he thought the war would end. "Perfectly simple to reply to that, mademoiselle: the war will end the day that hostilities cease."

Once firmly engaged in his own torture while his friend Haraucourt, bishop of Verdun, experienced alike penalty in a similar box, and the foxy old king paced his narrow oratory in the Bastile tower overhead we may be sure that Balue gave his inventive mind no more to the task of fortifying his cages, but rather to that of opening them.

There was silence in the court-room while a sergeant who filled the office of crier to the court, read out the names from a list in his hands. The call-over lasted ten minutes. Most of the witnesses were officers and men belonging to the garrisons of Verdun and Châlons.