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'Hark, sir! they are trying the door. 'They may try a long while; they should have tried the door while the veranda protected them from our sight. As soon as it is burnt, we shall be able to drive them away from it. I will go up again and see how things are. 'No, señor; it is of no use. Why expose yourself now that the flames are so bright? 'I must go and see if that is the case, Diego.

The opportunity came later, when the ladies had retired, and Peyton, wrapped in a poncho in a rocking-chair, on the now chilly veranda, looked up from his reverie and a cigar.

Please say no more about it. Day after to-morrow we'll send him into the city with the vegetable man." Mrs. Lee turned back to the veranda. When she spoke with that tone in her voice the children never answered. Peggy, linking her arm in Keineth's, turned an angry shoulder upon Alice.

A slight mist was rising from the valley, as if it were the last of last night's illusions; the first level sunbeams were obtrusively searching, and the keen morning air had a dryly practical insistence which irritated him, until a light footstep on the farther end of the veranda caused him to turn sharply.

She waited for the full obscuration until the last vestige of moonlight had vanished, and only a strange-looking, dull, copper-hued ball hung in the sky. The baroness now rose and went into the house. The astronomer on the castle tower observed that she neglected to close the veranda door. It was now quite dark; the silence of midnight reigned over everything.

CAPT. G. I'm afraid you wouldn't, Pussy Don't you think that jam will burn, or whatever it is that jam does when it's not looked after by a clever little housekeeper? MRS. G. I thought you said Hyder could attend to it. I left him in the veranda, stirring when I hurt myself so.

"I'll go with you, past the porch," he said, "and see you outside the gate." So they dashed by the group on the veranda, not heeding their chaff and once outside the grounds, Jim said, "Are you sure you want to go alone, Patty?" "Yes, please, Jim. I want to think a little." "Oh, you GIRL! you needn't tell ME! some chap's been making love to you!" "Nonsense!" but Patty's blush belied her words.

The fresh green leaves of the nasturtium, bright with variegated blossoms, ranging from deep scarlet to gold and pale yellow, trailed along the ground at the foot of the veranda and skirted the narrow pathway which led to the rear of the Posada whose patio looked out upon a garden interspersed with innumerable flowers and shrubs, fruit and cedar trees, and whose soft green lawn was intersected by narrow gravel pathways.

Winter, he found himself at once in the midst of a mob of howling, angry men, who surged over the lawn and tramped the light snow that was falling into a muddy mass over the walks and up the veranda steps. A large electric lamp out in the street in front of the house threw a light over the strange scene.

The house of Don Cumanos was well suited to resist an attack of this description, in which musketry only was expected to be employed. It was a long parallelogram of stone walls, with a wooden veranda on the first floor, for it was only one story high.