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Ship-captains then were merchants, with power to sell, trade and buy. The venture was a success, and young Girard took the liberty of picking up a cargo and sailing for New Orleans his knowledge of French being a valuable asset for that particular destination.

It would be too much to expect that a boy's, in its formation, should be the subject of such influences and escape them." I felt this to be true; though if I may venture to mention what I thought besides, I thought it much to be regretted that Richard's education had not counteracted those influences or directed his character.

"The fact of it is, and this absurd project of yours only brings it to a head, you have begun to get hold of some very queer ideas about what a young lady in your position may or may not venture to do. I do not think you quite understand my ideals or what is becoming as between father and daughter. Your attitude to me " He fell into a brown study. It was so difficult to put precisely.

The prohibition of the national dress, customs, laws, and language must have seemed to them merely the suppression of a barbarism which stood in the way of all improvement. With England and Ireland alike at his feet Cromwell could venture on a last and crowning change.

Their portable torches did not give light enough to make out clearly the character of the cargo carried, and it was too risky to venture into the mass of wreckage that must be the result of the explosion of the torpedo. "Let's try the other side," suggested Tom, and they moved around the stern of the craft.

She vouchsafed the last information with a sort of quiet assurance that conveyed the idea, without her saying it directly, that any such venture was somehow doomed to failure, that desecrators were merely toying with fate.

President, I concur so generally to the very able speech of the gentleman from Virginia near me , that it is not without diffidence and regret that I venture to differ with him on any point.

On this hint I ordered the whole lot, trusting to dispose of the least fashionable by aid of those that were more in vogue. "'Opinions on Domestic Literature." "You may buy all he has; we use no other." "'Opinions on Continental Literature." "Why, we know little about the goods themselves but I think a selection might answer." I ordered the bale cut in two, and took one half, at a venture.

"He is a poor working boy." "He is none the worse for that." "He should remember his position, and treat my son with proper respect." "I venture to say that Godfrey will receive all the respect to which he is entitled. May I ask if you expect him to be treated with deference, because his father is richer than those of the other boys?" "It seems to me only proper."

Richard Bassett locked up his gate: Sir Charles padlocked his; and they both told their wives they really must be more vigilant. The poor children, being in disgrace, did not venture to remonstrate! But they used often to think of each other, and took a liking to the British Sunday; for then they saw each other in church. By-and-by even that consolation ceased.