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Those who have writhed under the venom of Colonel Best-Dunkley in the past would, doubtless, feel happy at this turning of the tables as it were, a refreshing revenge; but I must admit that my sympathy was with Colonel Best-Dunkley and so was that of all present in this instance, for we all felt that the General's censure was undeserved.

When he leaped ashore and flung himself in the shade of the wood, the intoxication had increased. So, not for nothing had he met the priest. That encounter, the delay in the journey, the stay in the village, the peculiar character of the man, his odd theory, were like elements of an antidote, compounded to meet that venom which the vicious had injected into his life. Wonderful!

"Oh!" snapped Mr. Thompson, senior, peering venom at the unfortunate Ripton over his spectacles, "your notes are on that issue, sir! Thus you employ your time, sir!" With another side-shot at the confidential clerk, who retired immediately behind a strong entrenchment of shrugs, Mr.

You must have flesh, if you want to be full; lose not your labour then; cast your venom upon those that admire themselves; I know already that these things are worthless." I am not obliged not to utter absurdities, provided I am not deceived in them and know them to be such: and to trip knowingly, is so ordinary with me, that I seldom do it otherwise, and rarely trip by chance.

In some respects it is even worse than a living teacher of vice, since it may cling to an individual at all times. It will follow him and poison his mind with the venom of evil. The influence of bad books in making bad boys and men is little appreciated. Few are aware how much evil seed is being sown among the young everywhere through the medium of vile books.

He humorously describes a squabble betwixt Rupilius and Persius. In what manner the mongrel Persius revenged the filth and venom of Rupilius, surnamed King, is I think known to all the blind men and barbers.

And to think that that quivering old mass of perambulating jealousy that living incarnation of envy, hatred, malice, and all uncharitableness should be able to make you uncomfortable for a single moment, mother darling, with her petty, dribbling, doddering venom, why, it's simply unendurable. 'There now, Harry, said Mrs.

It is impossible to describe the venom and hatred that were concentrated in the voice of this beautiful woman, as she thus reviewed this portion of her history, which, as can plainly be seen, had left a keen sting in her heart, notwithstanding her boasted victory over her rival.

Of this, merely squeezing the Hanbury venom out of it, I can believe every particular. "Did you ever hear of anything so shocking?" is Hanbury's meaning here and elsewhere. And so of other Hanbury things. "What a Prussia; for rigor of command, one huge prison, in a manner!" King intent on punctuality, and all his business upon the square.

For the rest, there he sat with his heavy head on his breast and his brawny arms on his knees weary of it by anticipation before it had begun. Sir Patrick broke the silence. He addressed himself to his sister-in-law. "Lady Lundie, are all the persons present whom you expected to see here to-day?" The gathered venom in Lady Lundie seized the opportunity of planting its first sting.