United States or Nicaragua ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Nick was on his way to the store armed and mad. Panic seized upon the listener. His bravado had ever been but the veneer of the surface. His condition returned to the subversive terror which had assailed him when he was caught in the mountain blizzard. "Now, see you here, Victor," Jean concluded coldly, yet watching the effect he had produced.

Ay, and it's maistly the warst bits o' the deal as is used up ahint the veneer. It is, sae! Ye see, 'tis no meant to last, but only to sell. And there's a monie folks 'll gi'e the best price for sic-like, and fancy they ha'e getten the true thing. But I'm thinkin' the King 'll no gi'e the price. His eyes are as a flame o' fire, and they'll see richt through siccan rubbish, and burn it up."

Why should he compliment himself by believing that there was aught about him visible through the veneer acquired in a score and odd years of purposeless existence, to attract a young and pretty woman's heart? He enumerated his qualities specifically; and condemned them all. Imprimis, he was a conceited ass.

The Scythians, who occupied the south of Russia, came into contact with the Greek trading colonies north of the Black Sea, and gained from them some little veneer of civilization. They aided the Greeks in their commerce, took part in their caravans to the north and east, and spent some portion of the profits of their peaceful labor in objects of art made for them by Greek artists.

Its vaunted civilisation is seen to be but a thin veneer, and its religion a matter of form rather than of life. Gazing from afar at the ghastly heaps of dead and the hosts of the mutilated, at science turned into devilry and ever inventing new tortures for rending and slaying, Asia may be forgiven for thinking that, on the whole, she prefers her own religions and her own civilisations.

Furniture would seem to have been largely composed of bronze, which sometimes formed its entire fabric, though generally confined to the ornamentation. Ivory was likewise employed in considerable quantities in the manufacture of furniture, to which it was applied as an outer covering, or veneer, either plain, or more generally carved with a pattern or with figures.

The truss work of the body was covered with diagonally crossing strips of veneer, so that, as a whole, with the rigid planes, the monoplane had a substantial appearance. This frame, covered with waterproof canvas, made the body of the car impervious to rain. The two rudders at the rear of the body resembled in all ways the steering devices of the best modern air vehicles.

Above all, I think, Mark Twain sympathized with and found something to admire in the citizens of every nation, seeking beneath the surface veneer the universal traits of that nation's humanity.

These are only a selection of many such incidents which show that the national brutishness was appearing through the veneer. Meanwhile the smaller party which desired peace had not been entirely idle. On July 28th the Social Democrats held thirty-two mass meetings in Berlin to protest against war. "The attendance was in every case enormous, but the meetings were all orderly and calm.

Of course Helen could not refuse him; there must be many thoughts coming into his mind which he would wish to share with her who had known his daughter so long and been with filer in her last days. She returned into the great parlor with the wrought cornices and the medallion-portraits on the ceiling. "I am now alone in the world," Dudley Veneer said. Helen must have known that before he spoke.