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"With any other doctor she'd have been dead long since: leave her to herself a little, and the farm's your own; and I'm sure there'll 've been nothing at all like murder between us." "By Heavens, he does!" and Colligan rose quickly from his seat "he means to have her murdered, and thinks to make me do the deed!

"Well," he said, "I reckon that feller was jest about as stingy as the feller you 've been tellin' about, and mebby stingier, 'cause he 'd take more risks. Anyway, he was as ornery stingy as he could be an' live. If he 'd been any wuss he 'd of died to save grub an' shoe leather. W'y, him and me was out huntin' together oncet, over toward Mono.

She wrung her hands helplessly, crying, "Oh, give it to me, give it to me. We 've never done you any harm." "But you 've harmed some one else; that is enough." He moved towards the door, but she sprang in front of him with the fierceness of a tigress protecting her young. She attacked him with teeth and nails.

"I should n't think you 'd envy anybody, for you 've got one another," said Polly, with such a wistful look, that it suddenly set Tom and Fanny to wondering why they did n't have better times together, and enjoy themselves, as Polly and Jim did. "Fan don't care for anybody but herself," said Tom. "Tom is such a bear," retorted Fanny.

No one had ever looked at you until I picked you up and you 've been strutting around ever since, showing off because I was kind to you, and now this is the way you pay me back. Drunk half the time and half drunk the rest. Well, you know what I told you the last time you got 'loaded'? I mean it too. You 're not the only star in sight, see?"

I see your log was all right, last time I was down side o' the river." "They say it 's jest goin' to break in two in the middle, and fall into the river," cheerfully responded Lucinda. "They say it's just hanging' on by a thread. Well, that's what they 've ben sayin' about me these ten years, 'n' here I be still hanging!

He retraced his steps, however, and halted half a dozen paces from their figures. "Ask the gentleman! He spoke to me," she was saying in her brassy voice, through the emphasis of which Shelton could detect her fear. "That's all right," returned the policeman, "we know all about that." "You police!" cried the woman tearfully; "I 've got to get my living, have n't I, the same as you?"

We had been talking over the subjects touched upon in the Lady's letter. I suppose one man in a dozen said the Master ought to be born a skeptic. That was the proportion among the Apostles, at any rate. So there was one Judas among them, I remarked. Well, said the Master, they 've been whitewashing Judas of late. But never mind him.

You may laugh at me if you like, but have n't such things happened again and again without half as good a cause, and does n't history notoriously repeat itself? There was a little Spanish girl at a second-rate English boarding-school thirty years ago!... The Empress certainly is a pretty woman; but what is my Christina, pray? I 've dreamt of it, sometimes every night for a month.

I 've looked and waited for you ever since the second little note you sent me on last Christinas; but you never came." "I've been away, dear heart, hard at work in another city, larger and wickeder than this. I tried to get work here, that I might be near you; but that cruel Cotton always found me out; and I was so afraid I should get desperate that I went away where I was not known.