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"I am very grateful for all your kindness and consideration regarding our marriage, and so, I can assure you, is Caddy." "Very," sobbed Caddy. "Ve-ry!" "My dear son," said Mr. Turveydrop, "and dear daughter, I have done my duty. If the spirit of a sainted wooman hovers above us and looks down on the occasion, that, and your constant affection, will be my recompense.

"Do not do that, I beg of you," said Tiktok; "for you could not put me to-geth-er a-gain, and my use-ful-ness would be de-stroyed." "Oh! are you useful?" asked the Scarecrow, surprised. "Ve-ry," said Tiktok. "In that case," the Scarecrow kindly promised, "I won't fool with your interior at all. For I am a poor mechanic, and might mix you up." "Thank you," said Tiktok.

He paused, and the huge clock on the wall, with a lilac rose on its white face, seemed in its monotonous, sleepy tick, to repeat his words: 'Ve-ry! ve-ry! it ticked. Every one sits like a pigeon on its perch. And so it comes to pass that visitors have simply nowhere to go. Ardalion stole a sidelong glance at me.

He he must be a ve-ry important man, Mademoiselle, or his duty would not keep him there." "Unless the Boches succeed in raiding Paris from the air he is not likely to get hurt at all this Major Marchand?" "Oh!" pouted Henriette. "You are so critical. But he is what you say? so-o beautiful!" "Not in my eyes," said Ruth grimly. "I don't like dolly soldiers."

I am so much fonder of you, my love, than of the Chancellor. Though I DO attend court regularly. By the by, my dear, mentioning pocket handkerchiefs " Miss Flite here looked at Charley, who had been to meet her at the place where the coach stopped. Charley glanced at me and looked unwilling to pursue the suggestion. "Ve-ry right!" said Miss Flite, "Ve-ry correct. Truly! "Nothing more."

'I'll tell you what, my dear, he observed, when Mrs Gamp had at last withdrawn and shut the door, 'that's a ve-ry shrewd woman. That's a woman whose intellect is immensely superior to her station in life. That's a woman who observes and reflects in an uncommon manner.