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He was very skilful in painting horses and dogs, and frequently introduced these animals into his portrait groups. There is a large collection of the pictures of Vandyck at Windsor Castle; there are many also in the private galleries of Great Britain and other countries, besides a goodly number in the public galleries of Europe.

How often have I begged my friend, Antonio Vandyck, to make this picture eternal, with his immortal pencil. He promised to do it, but at the moment he was occupied with the portraits of Charles I. and his family the grandson of Queen Mary. Later, as I was not with him, unfortunately, to save him, death seized him before he had fulfilled his promise.

'It's delicious, Edie, said Harry, surveying her from, head to foot with a smile of satisfaction which made her blush deepen; 'it's simply delicious. Where on earth did you get the idea of it? 'Well, it's partly the present style, said Edie; 'but I took the notion of the bodice partly too from that Vandyck, you know, in the Palazzo Bossi at Genoa.

Catherine of Siena, and often too, St. Catherine Adorni, Louis XII of France, Don John of Austria after Lepanto, and maybe, who knows, Velasquez of Spain, Vandyck from England, and behind them, all the misery of Genoa through the centuries, an immense and pitiful company of men and women crying in the silence to him who had cried in the wilderness.

The boat pulled up to the Quai Vandyck, and Paul for the first time put his foot upon the continent of Europe. "Where shall we go first, Paul?" asked Dr. Winstock, when they landed upon the quay. "I don't know, sir; I think I shall be interested wherever we go. This is a big city isn't it?" "Its population is hardly more than half of what it was in the days of its greatest prosperity.

At length Vandyck prepared to set out for Italy. When he paid his farewell visit to Rubens he presented the master with three of his pictures, and in return Rubens gave him one of his finest horses.

This is also true in other great portraits in, for instance, the pictures of Rembrandt, Vandyck, and Frans Hals, especially where a face is relieved by the addition of a hand and the white of a ruff. Somewhere in that warm expanse of the face there can be found a pinhead of color, brighter and more dominating than any other brush touch on the canvas.

Think of all the stories of little peasant-boys who have thus risen to be the companions of kings, whereby the kings were the parties most honoured. Remember the stories of Francis I. and Titian, of Henry VII. and Hans Holbein, of Vandyck and Charles I.!" "You seem quite learned in Art, Miss Vanbrugh. I wish you would impart to me a little of your knowledge.

As Vandyck was on his way from Antwerp to Brussels he halted at the village of Saventhem, where he fell in love with Anna van Ophem, and so stayed on in the lovely valley of Flanders, week after week, as if he had forgotten that Italy existed. Anna persuaded him to paint a picture for the village church, and he executed a Holy Family in which the Virgin was a portrait of Anna, and St.

Vandyck, who was then a pupil of the great Flemish master, undertook to repair the mischief with his brush, and did it so well that Rubens declared the work was superior to his own. This story is current in the guide-books, and in the mouths of the commissionaires, who point out the places on the face of the Virgin and on the arm of one of the Marys where the pupil touched it up.