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Everett, and, grasping his hand, exclaimed with sincerity, "I congratulate you on your success." Mr. Everett responded in the fervor of his emotion, "Ah, Mr. President, how gladly would I exchange all my hundred pages to have been the author of your twenty lines!" Of all Lincoln's public utterances, this is unquestionably the most remarkable.

I do not choose the eccentric sermons of ill-educated rural preachers, but the utterances of some of the more distinguished preachers, reproduced with pride and honour in the leading religious periodicals.

But with him, as with man, the field of instinct is limited; its utterances are obscure and occasional; and about the far larger part of life both the dog and his master must conduct their steps by deduction and observation. The leading distinction between dog and man, after and perhaps before the different duration of their lives, is that the one can speak and that the other cannot.

The interest of the General Government in the education of the people found an early expression, not only in the thoughtful and sometimes warning utterances of our ablest statesmen, but in liberal appropriations from the common resources for the support of education in the new States.

Terrified at the sacrilegious utterances of the Gallic slave; pale, trembling and shuddering at the thought that, attracted by the dreadful blasphemies of the condemned man, the devil might suddenly appear in person, take possession of the malefactor and carry him straight to hell, Neroweg thundered to the blacksmith at the stove: "Are the tongs still in the brasier and red-hot?"

Contrast this will with the utterances of Washington and Hamilton made at the same time! In the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg, serfdom was not abolished until 1819. The spies and the influencers of American correspondents made their headquarters at a large Berlin hotel. A sketch of their activities is given by de Beaufort in his book, "Behind the German Veil."

For, as a matter of fact, and with special reference to the work we have undertaken to discuss, Mr. Froude, though cynical in his general utterances regarding Negroes-of the male sex, be it noted-is, in the main, all extravagance and self-abandonment whenever he brings an object of his arbitrary likes or dislikes under discussion.

Their recorded utterances abound, too, in hints and promises of a great world teacher Who will appearin the fullness of timeto carry on Their work and bring it to fruition, One Who will establish a reign of peace and justice upon earth, and bring into one family all races, religions, nations, and tribes, thatthere may be one fold and one shepherdand that all may know and love Godfrom the least even unto the greatest.”

'To-morrow I shall be packing what is to go with me. How I hate it all! Monica dropped into a chair near the door. 'Oh, not there! he exclaimed. 'Here, where you sat before. We are going to have tea together again. His utterances were forced, and the laugh that came between them betrayed the quivering of his nerves. 'Tell me what you have been doing. I have thought of you day and night.

Look at individual men in their private life, listen to their standards of conduct in their judgment of one another; hear not only their public utterances, but the counsels given by parents and guardians to the young in their charge; and you will see that, far as their social life based on violence may be from realizing Christian truth, in their private life what is considered good by all without exception is nothing but the Christian virtues; what is considered as bad is nothing but the antichristian vices.