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"You are surprised to see me, dear Agnes," he said, with a calm, slow utterance, like a man who has assumed a position he means fully to justify; "but I have watched day and night, ever since I saw you, to find one moment to speak with you alone." "My Lord," said Agnes, "I humbly wait your pleasure. Anything that a poor maiden may rightly do I will endeavor, in all loving duty."

Too long have I longed and looked into the distance. Too long hath solitude possessed me: thus have I unlearned to keep silence. Utterance have I become altogether, and the brawling of a brook from high rocks: downward into the valleys will I hurl my speech. And let the stream of my love sweep into unfrequented channels! How should a stream not finally find its way to the sea!

Thus in moments in which these Essences of being were deeply immersed beneath the oceans of ancient and everlasting holiness, or when they soared to the loftiest summits of divine mysteries, they claimed their utterance to be the Voice of divinity, the Call of God Himself.

Oh," I burst forth with feverish volubility, as I saw the inspector's lips open in what could not fail to be a sarcastic utterance, "I know what you feel tempted to reply. Why should a servant deliver a warning against his own master? If you will be patient with me you will soon see; but first I wish to make it clear that Mrs. Fairbrother, having received this warning just before Mr.

"Grandmamma Nap " The Major beat his thigh in ecstasy. "Ha! That's a good Spoonerism for Miss Isabel's book," he said. "Miss Isabel, we've got a new " Miss Mapp was very much puzzled at this slight confusion in her speech, for her utterance was usually remarkably distinct.

"Mother, my injured mother, oh, do not, do not hate me!" she murmured, in a voice almost inarticulate. "I deserve to be cast from your love, to lose your confidence for ever. I have deceived you I " Sobs choked her utterance, and the grieving mother could only throw her arms around her child, and press her convulsively to her heart.

He stood by, pale and dejected, without complaining or giving utterance to his grief. Becoming at last convinced that he was ill, Hortense sent for a physician. The latter declared that the prince was suffering from a severe attack of fever, which might become dangerous unless he sought repose at once.

Major Colquhoun muttered something about having been taken in himself. After the reading of the letter, Mrs. Frayling's comely plump face looked drawn and haggard. She could not utter a word at first, and had even exhausted her stock of tears. All at once, however, she recovered her voice, and gave sudden utterance to a determination. "I must go to that child!" she exclaimed.

A nephew of her own, by her invitation, came to reside with us for a short time, upon a visit. As if my good genius warned me of my fate, I disliked him so much at first, that I felt unhappy in his presence; but his assiduities gradually won upon me. I contrasted him with his aunt; love succeeded to aversion; and I was ruined. Here a burst of tears for a time choked her utterance.

With her nose contracted, her eyelids lowered and showing blue in her waxen face, the child was unable to speak, unable to give utterance to more than a low plaint, a gentle moan, which rent the heart of her mother, leaning over her, each time that she heard it. "Would she eat a few grapes?" timidly asked the lady, who had hitherto preserved silence. "I have some in my basket."