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After a rather fruitless campaign, Johnston wintered at Fort Bridger, in what is southwestern Wyoming, not far from the Utah line. During this interval, army supplies were hauled from Fort Leavenworth with only a few way stations for changing teams.

The highest of the possible points for the crossing of the Colorado in Arizona, is on the very Utah line, in latitude 37. It is the famous "Vado de los Padres," the Crossing of the Fathers, also known as the Ute ford. The first historic reference concerning it is in the journal of the famous Escalante-Dominguez priestly expedition of 1776.

It is thus that we may account for many of the desolate cities which are now found in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. Not of course for all; some, we know, were destroyed by the early Spaniards; others may have been forsaken because their tillable lands became exhausted; others doubtless fell during wars between different tribes of the brown race.

We have for the first time elected Democratic Congressmen from the states of Utah, Washington, South Dakota and North Dakota. With best wishes, I am, Cordially and sincerely yours, J. P. TUMULTY, Secretary To The President. COLONEL GEORGE HARVEY, Hotel Chamberlain, Old Point Comfort, Virginia. While the Democratic Convention was in session at St.

Reports as to the precise hour of starting do not all agree. It was probably late in the afternoon or early in the evening, no later than 6:30. Authorities differ somewhat as to the personnel of the first trip; also as to the number of letters carried. On account of the Mormon outbreak and the troubles of 1857-58, there was at this time much ill-feeling in Congress against Utah.

At that time the Fort was full of warlike preparations. A great number of troops were being assembled to send against the Mormons. Trouble had been long expected. United States Judges and Federal officers sent to the Territory of Utah had been flouted. Some of them never dared take their seats. Those who did asked assistance. Congress at last decided to give it to them.

I recommend the extension of the land system over the Territories of Utah and New Mexico, with such modifications as their peculiarities may require.

Over here in the wild canyon country there's a village of Mormons' sealed wives. It's in Arizona, perhaps twenty miles from here, and near the Utah line. When the United States government began to persecute, or prosecute, the Mormons for polygamy, the Mormons over here in Stonebridge took their sealed wives and moved them out of Utah, just across the line.

The largest natural bridge in the world yet discovered is the Nonnezoshi. It is in Nonnezoshiboko Canyon, Utah, not far from the place where the San Juan River enters the Colorado. This mammoth arch is more of a flying buttress spanning the canyon than a real bridge. Its height is three hundred and eight feet and its span two hundred and eighty-five feet.

The sage grouse, quail, swans, woodcock, dove, and all shore birds should be given a ten-year close season, and rigidly protected, before the stock is all gone. The model law for the protection of non-game birds should be enacted at once. Utah should create a big-game preserve, at once. If Utah proposes to save even a remnant of her wild life for posterity, she must be up and doing.