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After debating the question, they determined, upon a suggestion from some of the old settlers, to send for Jim Bridger, who was then visiting in St. Louis. A pass, via the overland stage, was enclosed in a letter to him, and he was urged to start for Denver at once, though nothing of the business for which his presence was required was told him in the text.

He had already talked the question over with his father, who, with that curious posthumous anxiety to have a further direct heir, had urged that the marriage should take place at once; but with his own feeling on the subject, as well as Sylvia's, he at once made up his mind. "I agree with you," he said. "We will settle it so, then." She smiled at him.

His hand, which was soon afterwards seized in an intimate way by the chamber-maid opening the door, was cold. She showed him to her room, but, no matter how much she urged him, it was impossible for him to eat and drink, though she had ransacked the kitchen of her mistress and put aside some of the most exquisite delicacies for her friend.

The gentleman urged, 'I should then do no ill. JOHNSON. Nor no good either. Sir, it would be a civil suicide . On Monday, May 26, I found him at tea, and the celebrated Miss Burney, the authour of Evelina and Cecilia, with him. I asked if there would be any speakers in Parliament, if there were no places to be obtained. JOHNSON. 'Yes, Sir. Why do you speak here?

He has received a good deal more since, and I hope will continue to be the recipient of this shower of gold for many years to come. No doubt much might be urged for this system, which was for a long time popular in China for the selection of Mandarins, and I am not criticising it here.

It was a paltry consolation, perhaps, but it was the best that then occurred to me. "Meanwhile," I begged him, "do you tell me what you would have me do." I urged him to it that he might, thereby, suffer his mind to rest a moment from pondering that ghastly thing that he had witnessed, that scene that would live before his eyes until they closed in their last sleep.

At one time, when urged by the hateful spirit of religious bigotry to frown upon some heresy, she replied smiling, "Poor wretches! since we know that they are to suffer so much and so long in the world to come, it is but reasonable that we should endeavor, by all means, to make their situation here as comfortable as we can."

She had shut herself away, and only Philip Harris came to the closed room, bringing her news of the search, or sitting quietly by her in the darkness. But for weeks there had been no news, no clue. The search was baffled.... They had not told her of the Greek boy and the muttered words. "Better not trouble her," the physician had urged. "She cannot bear disappointment if nothing comes of it."

Wolfe, indeed, urged that an expedition should at once be sent against Quebec, but Boscawen was opposed to this, owing to the lateness of the season, and Amherst was too slow and deliberate, by nature, to determine suddenly on the enterprise. He, however, sailed with six regiments for Boston, to reinforce Abercromby at Lake George.

In the few words he said over the little one, at the last, he recurred to this position, and urged it upon all his hearers; but in the moment of doing so a point that old Hilbrook had made in their talk suddenly presented itself.