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Oh, if every member of the churches and every wearer of "the cloth" realized the privilege of standing by every uplifting effort, and was always so valiant for truth as to make a Rueff or any agent of the devil occasionally think it worth while to take the risk of trying to kill them as in the case of this same Lincoln, of Heney, of Lindsey, and of the Master the world would recognize then that the Church was worth while, and there would be no discussing whether it was going to die out or not.

On the one hand there is the idealism that is lovely and uplifting and will get a man into heaven, and on the other hand there is the realism that works. The fact that the Jews cling to both, thus running, as it were, upon two tracks, is what makes them so puzzling, now and then, to the goyim.

Then she turned short round and began a series of peculiar bounds and plunges, accompanied by an ominous uplifting of her hind quarters, which had plainly but one object in view the correct conjugation of the verb active "to kick." There was a crunching of woodwork, a cracking as of iron hoofs against the splash-board.

Lord Valleys made three little heaps of salt, and paused to count them; then, with a slight uplifting of his eyebrows, which seemed to doubt what he was going to say, he murmured: "I should have said that we were all democrats nowadays.... What is it, Clifton?" "Your chauffeur would like to know, what time you will have the car?" "Directly after dinner."

Sitting thus, his hat thrown a little back from his clustering curls, the white neck and shoulders of his horse uplifting him above the crested mass of fern, his red sash the one fleck of color in their olive depths, I am afraid he looked much more like the real minstrel of the grove than the unknown poetess who transfigured it.

If he chose to fight for them, indeedbut he won’t, I know; for I see he’s a decent, respectable young man; and, after all fighting is a blackguard way of settling a dispute; so I have no wish to fight; however, there is one thing I’ll do,’ said he, uplifting his fist, ‘I’ll fight this fellow in black here for half a crown, or for nothing, if he pleases; it was he that got up the last dispute between me and the young man, with his Pope and his nonsense; so I will fight him for anything he pleases, and perhaps the young man will be my second; whilst you—’

"I will be a man again," he exclaimed, at last, rising to this declaration under the uplifting and stimulating influences that were around him. Then the lady answered him in a low, earnest, tender voice that trembled with the burden of its great concern: "Not in your own strength. That is impossible." His lips dropped apart. He looked at her strangely.

For a moment Violet was so astonished and confused she could not utter a word; then, with that slight uplifting of her fair head which those who knew her best understood to indicate a gathering of all the force of her will, she quietly remarked, though a burning flush mounted to her brow: "Ah, Wilhelm! I thought you and Belle had gone out for the evening."

She was mounting upwards, upwards, upwards, through celestial morning to her castle at the top of the world. And the magic the magic that beat in her veins was the very elixir of life within her, inspiring her, uplifting her. For a space she hovered thus, still mounting, but imperceptibly, caught as it were between earth and heaven. Then the golden glamour about her turned to a mystic haze.

The reading-room and institution established by the young people of the Jerusalem Church had accomplished its mission, and was absorbed into the larger one established by the citizens, where boys and girls, men and women, could hear good music, uplifting talk, and helpful entertainment; where good citizenship, good health, good morals, were all taught in the name of Jesus.