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It broke with a noise like thunder, and at that he up'd with his hands and fell full length into the snow." There was a pause. The little man by the door was twisting nervously in his chair. "He came to of course, he came to?" said he at length. "He come to," said the banjo solemnly, "in the bitter break of dawn; that is, he come to as much of hisself as he ever was after.

Peggotty, 'Missis Gummidge, 'stead of saying "thank you, I'm much obleeged to you, I ain't a-going fur to change my condition at my time of life," up'd with a bucket as was standing by, and laid it over that theer ship's cook's head 'till he sung out fur help, and I went in and reskied of him. Mr. Peggotty burst into a great roar of laughter, and Agnes and I both kept him company.

"Oh, the boys thes the boys," Teague replied, chuckling and rubbing his chin with an embarrassed air; "hit's thes the boys cuttin' up some er ther capers. They er mighty quare, the boys is," he continued, his embarrassment evidently increasing, "mighty quare. They uv up'd an' tuk a notion for to go on a little frolic, an' they uv come by airter me, an' nothin' won't do 'em but I mus' fetch you.

"Horns, horns, cock horns: oh, you up'd vrid them, you lifted your fingers that's a mark, now hould your face, till I blacken you!" "Do you call thim two sods, Jack Laniran? why, 'tis only one long one broke in the middle; but you must make it up tomorrow. Jack, how is your mother's tooth? did she get it pulled out yet?" "No, sir."

And now judge her, Dinah, looking on her pure brow, and remembering her past life, is she a girl likely to have been 'led astray, as you call it?" "No, 'fore my 'Vine Marster in heaben, aint she? As I 'members ob de time anybody had a-breaved a s'picion ob Miss Nora, I'd jest up'd an' boxed deir years for 'em good 'deed me! But what staggers of me, honey, is dat!