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"I see that I was going a little too far, but my excuse is that I am anxious to leave no stone unturned to effect the capture of that low villain, Bordine. It may be that he will have another murder to answer for after to-night." Rose shuddered at the thought. The gulf between her and August Bordine was widening to the shores of eternity, and even beyond.

They left no stone unturned; and though Owen shrank from the necessary publicity Scotland Yard was informed, and a huge reward offered for information about the vanished Toni. But the days passed, glided into weeks, which in their turn grew into months; and Toni was not found.

To show the work he was doing, Clare read two of his renderings of the Psalms, which pleased the doctor so much that he broke out into rapturous applause. He promised at the same time that he would leave no stone unturned to get subscribers both for the book of ballads and sonnets previously planned, and for the new volume of religious verse.

The village as a whole had given itself over to religious ecstasy. Those who had professed their faith left no stone unturned in leading others to the altar, as if life could not resume its routine until the unconverted were brought to kneel at the evangelist's feet.

They were much too vast and far-reaching, and too promising to leave a stone unturned; and so he imagined to get the President-Dictator over there on a tour of ceremonies and speeches, culminating in a great function at the turning of the first sod by the harbour shore. After all he was their own creature that Don Vincente. He was the embodied triumph of the best elements in the State.

Could she face him! Well, why not for Dirk's sake? And if she refused and Dirk was done to death, would she not reproach herself, if she lived to remember it, because she had left a stone unturned? "Give me my cloak and veil," she said to the woman, "and now go tell the man that I am coming."

"Though it was thought very odd at the time. It ought to be looked to, I think. No stone ought to be left unturned." "There is nothing to be hoped for in that direction, Mr. Greenwood." "It ought to be looked to; that's all. Only think what it will be if he marries, and has a son before anything is is settled." To this Lady Kingsbury made no answer; and after a pause Mr.

Here I had been, spending weeks and months trying out just ONE way of cure and here was a man who could do the whole job IN ONE HOUR. Wonderful power he must possess, I thought. Of course, I did not believe he could do it. I COULD not believe it. It was not believable. But nevertheless, in my effort to be cured, I had resolved to leave no stone unturned.

In Triplett's great rough paw was a fountain-pen filler of fresh water which he gently dropped on the flowerlet's unturned face. At exactly one-thirty, solar time, the tiny petals fluttered faintly and closed. "She's gone," groaned Triplett, and dashed a tear, the size of a robin's egg, from his furrowed cheek. In that ghastly light we stared at each other. We were lost!

Now, by an irony of fate, he was forced to have dealings with them again, dealings which he resented for more reasons than his antagonism to the institution, and dealings, moreover, which he was prepared to leave no stone unturned to bring to naught. He had placed Waroona Downs in the hands of Gale, the local auctioneer, for sale.